Teacher Leadership in Culturally Sustaining Practices Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
The Teacher Leadership in Culturally Sustaining Practices Post-Baccalaureate Certificate program is designed for teachers with immersive theory-to-action experiences that are critical to making educational excellence inclusive. Integrating improvement sciences and connected learning approaches, participants will have opportunities to explore critical theories in culturally sustaining pedagogies; cultivate high-tech, high-touch, and high-impact practices; and demonstrate competency mastery aiming to simultaneously improve teaching effectiveness and student achievement.
Spotlight Experiences
- Stackable Credentials. Innovative program engineering with stackable credential options.
- Critical Theories and Practices. Key themes include culturally responsive practices, social and emotional learning, student engagement, and critical thinking.
- Live Virtual Delivery. Live virtual delivery with experts and practitioners from across the state.
- MicroCredentials for Career Advancement. Theory-to-action experiences for competency mastery.
- Competency Mastery Portfolio. Publishable portfolio demonstrating achievement and impact.
Course Requirements
Course | Credits | Name |
EDUL 601 | 3 | Foundation in Culturally Responsive Practices |
EDUL 602 | 3 | Theories and Practices in Social and Emotional Learning |
EDUL 603 | 3 | Teacher Leadership in Student Engagement |
EDUL 604 | 3 | Teacher Leadership in Critical Thinking |
Course Descriptions
Foundation in Culturally Responsive Practices (EDUL 601)
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in Culturally Responsive Practices (CRP). Integrating evidence-based practices and high- impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate principles and strategies of CRP; (2) audit CRP in their own classrooms; (3) design and deliver a CRP instructional unit in an educational setting; and (4) conduct a professional development session on lessons learned and potential impact of CRP.
Theories and Practices in Social and Emotional Learning (EDUL 602)
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Integrating evidence-based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) define and identify SEL competencies and skills; (2) observe and evaluate the impact of SEL in a classroom setting; (3) design, deliver, and reflect on a learning unit that incorporates SEL competencies and skills; and (4) plan and deliver a professional development presentation centered on SEL integration in the classroom.
Teacher Leadership in Student Engagement (EDUL 603)
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in increasing academic engagement. Integrating evidence-based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate how behavior influences classroom instruction and interactions; (2) observe and evaluate the impact of behavior on academic engagement in a classroom setting; and (3) design, deliver, and reflect on a learning activity and evaluate the potential impact of academic engagement on student learning.
Teacher Leadership in Critical Thinking (EDUL 604)
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience that build students’ critical thinking (CT) and problem-solving skills. Integrating evidence-based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate CT principles and strategies; (2) audit CT skills and strategies in an educational setting; (3) design, deliver, and reflect on an instructional unit that incorporates CT principles and strategies, and (4) plan and deliver professional development centered around critical thinking.

750+ Course Options
The Coppin State University Academic Catalog has a wide variety of skill-building courses designed to inspire and prepare you to be in-demand professionals and transformational leaders.
Related Education Programs
Teacher Leadership
The Teacher Leadership in Culturally Sustaining Practices Post-Baccalaureate Certificate is in the Department of Teaching and Learning in the School of Education.