Teacher Leadership
The Master of Education in Teacher Leadership program is designed for teachers with immersive theory-to-action experiences that are critical to making educational excellence inclusive. Integrating improvement sciences and connected learning approaches, participants will have opportunities to explore critical theories in culturally sustaining education, cultivate high-tech, high-touch, and high-impact practices, as well as demonstrate competency mastery that aims to simultaneously improve teaching effectiveness and student achievement.
The M.Ed. program and its courses are directly aligned to professional standards and COMAR requirements in Maryland. There is no specialized accreditation as the program does not lead to initial teacher licensure.
What You'll Learn
Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
- Critical Theories and Practices for Inclusive Excellence. Participants are expected to demonstrate proficiencies in core theories and promising practices that are critical to supporting needs of diverse learners. The highly selective and research-based themes include: Culturally Responsive Practices, Social and Emotional Learning, Student Engagement, Critical Thinking, Transformational Technology, Competency-Based Learning, Computational Thinking, Mathematical Problem Solving, and National Board Certification Core Propositions (SLO 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
- Immersive Theory-to-Action Experiences. Participants are expected to demonstrate competencies in real-world and field-based educational settings on each of the identified specialization themes (ISLO 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
- Inquiry-Based Action Research. Participants are expected to demonstrate competencies in conducting two full cycles of action research aiming to improve teaching effectiveness and student achievement (ISLO 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
- Pathways for Career Advancement. Participants are expected to demonstrate competencies in the five Core Propositions as required for National Board Certification (NBC). NBC has been highlighted as a key State strategy of ensuring teacher quality (MCIEE, 2019) with both financial incentives and professional prestige (ISLO 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).
Program Requirements
- Ten (10) required courses with a total of 30 graduate credits; students have the option to take two (2) additional courses with specialized themes in mathematical problem solving and computational thinking.
- Online program delivery with mandatory field-based experiences and competency-based assessment in each of the required courses.
- Entrance requirements as set forth by the School of Graduate Studies at CSU. Completion of a teacher preparation program and earned certification (licensure) are required prior to entrance to the M.Ed. program.
- No pre-requisites.
- Minimum Program Requirements: 30 credit hours
Education Foundation and Specialization Courses (30 Credits)
Course | credits | Name |
EDUL 601 | 3 | Foundation in Culturally Responsive Practices |
EDUL 602 | 3 | Theories and Practices in Social and Emotional Learning |
EDUL 603 | 3 | Teacher Leadership in Student Engagement |
EDUL 604 | 3 | Teacher Leadership in Critical Thinking |
EDUL 605 | 3 | Theories and Practices in Transformational Technology |
EDUL 606 | 3 | Theories and Practices in Competency-Based Learning |
EDUL 609 | 3 | Theories and Practices in Teacher Leadership Core Propositions I |
EDUL 610 | 3 | Theories and Practices in Teacher Leadership Core Propositions II |
EDUL 611 | 3 | Teacher Leadership Capstone in Action Research I |
EDUL 612 | 3 | Teacher Leadership Capstone in Action Research II |
Course Descriptions
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in Culturally Responsive Practices (CRP). Integrating evidence-based practices and high- impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate principles and strategies of CRP; (2) audit CRP in their own classrooms; (3) design and deliver a CRP instructional unit in an educational setting; and (4) conduct a professional development session on lessons learned and potential impact of CRP.
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Integrating evidence-based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) define and identify SEL competencies and skills; (2) observe and evaluate the impact of SEL in a classroom setting; (3) design, deliver, and reflect on a learning unit that incorporates SEL competencies and skills; and (4) plan and deliver a professional development presentation centered on SEL integration in the classroom.
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in increasing academic engagement. Integrating evidence-based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate how behavior influences classroom instruction and interactions; (2) observe and evaluate the impact of behavior on academic engagement in a classroom setting; and (3) design, deliver, and reflect on a learning activity and evaluate the potential impact of academic engagement on student learning.
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience that build students’ critical thinking (CT) and problem-solving skills. Integrating evidence-based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate CT principles and strategies; (2) audit CT skills and strategies in an educational setting; (3) design, deliver, and reflect on an instructional unit that incorporates CT principles and strategies, and (4) plan and deliver professional development centered around critical thinking.
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in increasing access and engagement through educational technology. Integrating evidence- based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate principles and strategies of transformational technology; (2) audit digital experiences in classrooms; (3) design and deliver a technology integrated instructional unit in an educational setting; and (4) conduct a professional development session on lessons learned and potential impact of educational technology.
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in Competency-Based Education (CBE). Integrating evidence-based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate CBE theories and strategies; (2) audit CBE practices in a classroom setting; and (3) design, deliver, and reflect on a learning activity and evaluate the potential impact of CBE on student learning.
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience of the five Core Propositions required for National Board Certification (NBC) (Part I). Integrating evidence-based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate principles and evidence requirements of Core Propositions I-III; (2) audit Core Propositions I-III practices in educational settings; and (3) document and reflect on Core Propositions practices and outcomes in their own classrooms.
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience of the five Core Propositions required for National Board Certification (NBC) (Part II). Integrating evidence-based practices and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate principles and evidence requirements of Core Propositions IV-V; (2) audit Core Propositions IV-V practices in educational settings; and (3) document and reflect on Core Propositions practices and outcomes in their own classrooms.
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in action research (Part I). Integrating inquiry-based research and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate principles and evidence requirements for action research; (2) audit action research practices in educational settings; and (3) design, implement, and synthesize action research outcomes in their own classrooms and evaluate potential implications for educational improvement.
The course is designed to provide teachers a full-spectrum theory-to-action experience in action research (Part II). Integrating inquiry-based research and high-impact leadership, participants will have the opportunity to (1) identify and evaluate principles and evidence requirements for action research; (2) audit action research practices in educational settings; and (3) design, implement, and synthesize action research outcomes in their own classrooms and evaluate potential implications for educational improvement.

750+ Course Options
The Coppin State University Academic Catalog has a wide variety of skill-building courses designed to inspire and prepare you to be in-demand professionals and transformational leaders.
The M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership lives in the Department of Teaching and Learning in the School of Education within the College of Arts & Sciences, and Education. For additional information, please visit Stackable Credentials.