Coppin Summer Concert Series

It's CSUmmer!
Coppin State University welcomes alumni, family, and friends to it's Summer Concert Series. Bring your lawn chairs, food, beverages, family, and friends! Vendors on site!
Save the dates: June 27, July 25, and August 22 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
New location: South Quad (between STC and HHSB)
Free to attend, register today.
We appreciate your support to help keep Coppin programming such as the CSUmmer Concerts going!
Volunteers and Vendors
We welcome you to participate in our Summer Concert Series. If you are interested in volunteer or vendor opportunities, please complete the registration form. For questions, please email
BE MORE with the Coppin Family!
We love welcoming our Eagles back to the Nest. Check out some fun times from our past events. Be sure to sign up to attend our upcoming concerts.