Student Technology Resources
From extreme weather situations days to natural disasters, such unexpected events can disrupt face-to-face instruction. In such cases, your faculty may use various technology tools to facilitate instruction.
Blackboard Learn is the learning management system used by Coppin faculty to facilitate student instruction and grading. Blackboard integrates several tools to diversity learning opportunities, including:
- Panopto to record lectures, live-stream courses, and provide video-based assessments;
- TurnItIn to grade student papers and detect for potential plagiarism;
- Blackboard Collaborate to host synchronous online meetings (classes, office hours, tutoring sessions, etc.);
- Blackboard Ally to make digital course content more accessible;
- PlayPosit to create interactive video lessons from items posted on YouTube, Ted, Vimeo, and other video repositories; and
- Qwickly to manage student attendance.
As a student, you have a Microsoft Office 365 Account, which allows up to five downloads of the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) onto personal devices, such as home computers and laptops. Your Office 365 license also gives you access to several tools such as Forms (create online surveys), Sway (create digital story pages), Flipgrid (video-based discussion board), and Teams (virtual project space).
Here are instructions for downloading Microsoft Office on your personal devices.
Mobile Apps
Most of the instructional technology tools have mobile apps where you can create and assess content. Consider downloading these apps to your mobile device. All of them are free.
Blackboard Student
EagleMobile (the mobile app for EagleLINKS)
Blackboard Learn Original & Blackboard Learn Ultra
Blackboard Mobile App
Blackboard Collaborate
Need Help?
There are several ways to receive assistance with the instructional technology tools.
Documentation and Knowledge bases
Vendor Support
- Blackboard Learn (Available 24/7) – 1-888-882-4605
- Panopto – (8am to 8pm EST) – 855-765-2341
On-Campus Help
- IT Help Desk – | 410-951-3888