Coronavirus Communications

Latest Updates

Dear Eagle Nation:

Understanding that the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the SARS CoV-2 Omicron subvariants BA. 4 and BA. 5, we continue to monitor and reinforce the appropriate protocols to ensure the necessary precautions are taken. The Baltimore City COVID-19 community levels are currently medium.  

Staying informed, washing your hands, wearing KN95 masks, symptom testing, being fully vaccinated, including receiving a booster (also referred to as the third vaccine dose), remain our key public health tools to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Below are some additional details to be aware of for our fall 2022 semester, including updates to masks, campus testing frequency, teleworking, and quarantine/isolation time:


CSU remains mask optional. Masks are a critical tool to defend against the spread of COVID-19 and other airborne viruses. A KN-95 mask provides appropriate protection. Masks will continue to be required in patient care areas, including the Community Health Center and the Athletic Rehabilitation, Training, and Conditioning Center. 

Campus Vaccine Availability (including booster dose)

Many individuals are eligible to receive the booster vaccine dose, based on the time they completed their initial vaccine series. Click here for the CDC’s guidance on when to get a booster. The Community Health Center (CHC) can provide the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) COVID-19 vaccine booster dose. The CHC does NOT offer the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Plan to contact the CHC at 410-951-4188, or by email at Walk-in appointments are available, Monday through Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.          

Important Health Wellness Reminders

Your daily wellness is critical for us to safely operate the university. Please, review the health screening questions, each day, before reporting to campus. The table below is a quick reference guide. If you answer “Yes” to any of the questions, do not report to campus. Our ability to continue in-person instruction requires your attention to screening yourself, every day.  



COVID Symptoms? - Yes

fever or chills

difficulty breathing

fatigue muscle or body aches


new loss of taste or smell

sore throat

congestion or runny nose

COVID Symptoms? - Yes

fever or chills


difficulty breathing


muscle or body aches


new loss of taste or smell

sore throat

congestion or runny nose

Close Contact of Confirmed Positive. - Stay Home and Test

Close Contact of Confirmed Positive. - Stay Home and Test

Waiting for Test Result - Yes

Waiting for Test Result - Yes

Ill Family Member - Quarantine and plan to test within 3-5 days after exposure

Ill Family Member - If asymptomatic, plan to resume work and test within 3-5 days, post exposure. If symptomatic, plan to test and remain at home until the results of the PCR or rapid test are available and you are cleared to resume work/school. 

In Quarantine - Yes

In Quarantine - No

Traveled outside of US within 10 days – No quarantine is needed. 

Traveled outside of US within 10 days –No quarantine is needed. 

Home Testing

Many people have secured and are utilizing home rapid tests. We realize that home rapid tests are used as a tool to determine the wellness of yourselves and other members of your household. Plan to provide test results from the Community Health Center (CHC) OR other authorized testing facility or site.

If you choose to use a home rapid test, students should communicate positive results to the CHC at Employees should communicate all home rapid test results that are positive to the Office of Human Resources at Promptly reporting your positive home rapid test result will help us determine if there were any close contacts and to establish/confirm your return date to campus.

In order to keep track of a more accurate number of cases in the state, the MDH needs to know when a positive result is found with a test being conducted outside a testing center. You are encouraged to use the below link to self-report any positive home test result.

Campus Testing

Residence hall students are strongly encouraged to test, during the week of September 5, upon return after Labor Day.

Quarantine and Isolation Guidance

The guidance and adopted protocols that are best suited to the Coppin campus are found below:


Isolation is the period of time an individual who is either confirmed positive with COVID-19, due to testing, or presumed to be positive for COVID-19 and must remain away from others, including not attending school/work. 

Quarantine is the period of time an individual must follow depending on the person’s vaccination status and source of exposure to COVID-19. See, below, detailed guidance:

Persons Who Have Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19 (Isolation)

All persons who test positive for COVID-19 or have suspected COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, should complete isolation as follows:

Stay home for at least 10 full days from the date of symptom onset if symptomatic or the date of the positive test if no symptoms, whichever occurs first. Isolation will occur either at the home address or at the off-campus facility (residence hal;l students)

Day 1 is considered the first full day after symptoms started in symptomatic persons or the date the positive COVID-19 test was administered.

 After Day 10, if the person has no symptoms or if symptoms are improved and they have no fever for at least 24 hours without medication, they may return to school or work. Those returning from isolation do not need to wear a mask. Those returning should have received documentation from the Health Department, CHC, Human Resources, or their healthcare provider that they may return. If you have not received documentation, contact the CHC for further guidance, at 410-951-4188. You will not need to test for 90 days unless you have new symptoms. 

Persons Who Are Exposed to Someone with COVID-19 (Quarantine)

If you are fully vaccinated and are not experiencing symptoms, you do not need to quarantine; however, it is strongly encouraged that you wear a mask for at least 5 days.

If you are not fully vaccinated, quarantine is for 7 days. Plan to test on day 5. You may test at the CHC on day 5 and will be cleared based on the results of the rapid test.  

 Get tested at least 5 days after the last close contact (persons who had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days do not need to test).

If the person tests positive or develops symptoms, they should stay home and follow recommendations for isolation, above.

If the person tests negative or is unable to get a test, they should continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days after the last close contact.

When in doubt, please, contact the Coppin CHC for guidance, at 410-951-4188, or by email at

Additional questions about our campus COVID-19 guidelines should be sent to

We will continue to work with the University System of Maryland, local health authorities, and members of the university COVID-19 taskforce to determine the best practices for the Coppin campus community. Please, continue to monitor your Coppin email account for additional updates, which will also be available at

CSU reserves the right to modify the COVID-19 guidelines and course instruction modality based on the local and campus positivity rate.

Dear Eagle Nation:

I am pleased to announce that beginning today, March 7, Coppin State University is now a mask-optional campus. Masks are still required when entering the health center, while inside the athletic training room, and while undergoing COVID-19 testing. Testing is required the week after Spring Break. The University’s COVID-19 Task Force will review testing data collected after Spring Break and will provide any updates to campus testing for the remainder of the semester.

We encourage and support members of Eagle Nation who would like to continue wearing a mask for their personal protection. I also encourage those who are eligible to receive a COVID-19 booster shot to do so, to protect yourselves.

Your diligence, sense of personal responsibility, and care for others have made this shift possible. Thank you for all you have done to bring us through unprecedented times.


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Dear Eagle Nation:

As the beginning of the spring semester draws closer, I look forward to welcoming all of our students back to campus, on January 24. Understanding that the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Omicron variant make for extraordinary times, we continue to monitor and reinforce the appropriate protocols to ensure the necessary precautions are taken.

Staying informed, washing your hands, wearing surgical masks or KN95 masks, social distancing, testing, being fully vaccinated, including receiving a booster (also referred to as the third vaccine dose), remain our key public health tools to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

With the current surge of positive cases, the CDC and the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) maintain that being fully vaccinated and wearing an effective mask are the most valuable tools against the COVID-19 virus, including the Omicron variant. Full vaccination includes receiving the latest available dose associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.

Chancellor Jay Perman, of the University System of Maryland (USM), has mandated that all students living on campus be up to date on the currently available COVID-19 vaccines, including the third dose (also known as a booster) associated with the vaccine.

The CDC indicates that an initial round of vaccination, plus a booster shot, provides optimal protection against COVID-19; therefore, I am requiring that all residential and commuter students who will report to campus for ANY in-person course instruction, must also be up to date on the currently available COVID-19 vaccines, including the booster dose. Additionally, I am requiring all faculty, staff, and third-party vendors to update their vaccine compliance, including the booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Updated vaccine compliance must be confirmed, by January 31, 2022, or within 14 days of eligibility for those who need the booster dose.  

Below, are some additional details to be aware of for our spring 2022 semester, including updates to campus testing frequency, teleworking, and quarantine time:


Campus Vaccine Mandate (including booster dose)

Many individuals are eligible to receive the booster vaccine dose, based on the time they completed their initial vaccine series. Click here for the CDC’s guidance on when to get a booster.

COVID-19 Boosters Available at the CSU Community Health Center (CHC) 

The Community Health Center (CHC) can provide the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) COVID-19 vaccine booster dose. The CHC does NOT offer the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Plan to contact the CHC at 410-951-4188, or by email at Walk-in appointments are available, Monday through Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and from 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.          


Beginning Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at 5:00 p.m., I am authorizing all campus employees who can telework to telework, through Sunday, January 23, 2022. While we maximize our efforts to de-densify the campus, during this current surge of the Omicron variant, we recognize that there are some areas of campus where staff is needed in order to prepare for the spring semester and ensure continuation of essential functions of the university. Thus, each vice president and division leader has been directed to review their respective departments to make determinations of which staffing modality/schedule best suits the needs of the university, while prioritizing the result of having as few people on campus, as possible. This means that some areas may have greater in-person staffing needs than others, and all in-person campus staffing will be regularly monitored and updated, as needed.

Should the need arise for us to extend telework, beyond January 23, employees will be notified, as soon as possible.

Important Health Wellness Reminders

Your daily wellness is critical for us to safely operate the university. Please, review the health screening questions, each day, before reporting to campus. The table below is a quick reference guide. If you answer “Yes” to any of the questions, do not report to campus. Our ability to continue in-person instruction requires your attention to screening yourself, every day.  



COVID Symptoms? - Yes

fever or chills

difficulty breathing

fatigue muscle or body aches


new loss of taste or smell

sore throat

congestion or runny nose

COVID Symptoms? - Yes

fever or chills


difficulty breathing


muscle or body aches


new loss of taste or smell

sore throat

congestion or runny nose

Close Contact of Confirmed Positive. - Stay Home and Test

Close Contact of Confirmed Positive. - Stay Home and Test

Waiting for Test Result - Yes

Waiting for Test Result - Yes

Ill Family Member - Quarantine and plan to test within 3-5 days after exposure

Ill Family Member - If asymptomatic, plan to resume work and test within 3-5 days, post exposure. If symptomatic, plan to test and remain at home until the results of the PCR are available and cleared to resume work

In Quarantine - Yes

In Quarantine - Yes

Traveled outside of US win 10 days – Yes

Traveled outside of US win 10 days – Yes

Home Testing

Many people have secured and are utilizing home rapid tests. We realize that home rapid tests are used as a tool to determine the wellness of yourselves and other members of your household; however, due to the decreased reliability of home rapid tests, all students, faculty, and staff must provide test results from the Community Health Center (CHC) OR other authorized testing facility or site. Home rapid test results will not be sufficient to satisfy any university mandated testing requirements.

If you choose to use a home rapid test, students should communicate positive results to the CHC at Employees should communicate all home rapid test results that are positive to the Office of Human Resources at Promptly reporting your positive home rapid test result will help us determine if there were any close contacts and to establish/confirm your return date to campus.

In order to keep track of a more accurate number of cases in the state, the MDH needs to know when a positive result is found with a test being conducted outside a testing center. You are encouraged to use the below link to self-report any positive home test result.

Campus Testing

The frequency of testing shall increase to twice a month for the months of January and February. All students and employees should plan to test during the first and third weeks of these months, regardless of vaccination status.

Between January 18 and January 21, 2022, ALL students and employees must provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test result, completed within 24-48 hours, before they return to campus, on January 24, 2022. If you arrive to the campus, without a negative PCR test result, you should report, directly, to the CHC, prior to reporting to your assigned workspace or classroom, to receive further instruction.

Masks Required Indoors

The campus wide, indoor mask requirement remains in place for the spring 2022 semester; however, updated health guidance indicates that use of a KN/95 mask provides the best protection. We are awaiting delivery of a shipment of KN/95 masks, and they will be available in each department, throughout the campus, and at the CHC. All individuals who visit the campus are required to wear a KN/95 mask OR double mask, using a surgical mask and cloth mask.

Visitors can retrieve a mask at the Visitor Center, located inside the James Weldon Johnson auditorium.

Quarantine and Isolation Guidance

The Maryland Department of Health has NOT modified the time periods of isolation and quarantine for higher education campuses impacted by COVID-19. The guidance and adopted protocols that are best suited to the Coppin campus are found below:


Isolation is the period of time an individual who is either confirmed positive with COVID-19, due to testing, or presumed to be positive for COVID-19 and must remain away from others, including not attending school.

Quarantine is the period of time an individual must follow depending on the person’s vaccination status and source of exposure to COVID-19. See, below, detailed guidance:


Persons Who Have Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19 (Isolation)

All persons who test positive for COVID-19 or have suspected COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, should complete isolation as follows

♦ Stay home for at least 10 full days from the date of symptom onset if symptomatic or the date of the positive test if no symptoms, whichever occurs first.

♦ Day 1 is considered the first full day after symptoms started in symptomatic persons or the date the positive COVID-19 test was administered.

♦ After Day 10, if the person has no symptoms or if symptoms are improved and they have no fever for at least 24 hours without medication, they may return to school or childcare. Those returning from isolation must wear a well-fitting mask. Those returning should have received documentation from the Health Department, CHC, Human Resources, or their healthcare provider that they may return. If you have not received documentation, contact the CHC for further guidance, at 410-951-4188.

Persons Who Are Exposed to Someone with COVID-19 (Quarantine)

Quarantine is for 7 days. Plan to test on day 5. You may test at the CHC on day 5 and will be cleared based on the results of the PCR test.  

♦ Get tested at least 5 days after the last close contact (persons who had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days do not need to test).

If the person tests positive or develops symptoms they should stay home and follow recommendations for isolation, above.

If the person tests negative or is unable to get a test, they should continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days after the last close contact.

When in doubt, please, contact the Coppin CHC for guidance, at 410-951-4188, or by email at

Additional questions about our campus COVID-19 guidelines should be sent to

We will continue to work with the University System of Maryland, local health authorities, and members of the university COVID-19 taskforce to determine the best practices for the Coppin campus community. Please, continue to monitor your Coppin email account for additional updates, which will also be available at


COVID-19 Townhall Meeting

Click here to view the townhall meeting that addressed COVID-19 campus updates.

Safety First Text

All students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, who will be reporting to campus for in-person instruction or employment, must comply with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Vaccine Confirmations

Vaccination confirmations from all incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, who will be reporting to campus, should be submitted to the designated university office before the next course session begins:
- For Winter 2021: submit confirmation by December 20, 2021
- For Spring 2022: submit confirmation by January 10, 2022

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources:

Fax: (410) 951-2667

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office.

Vaccine Exemptions

Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an accommodation or exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. Individuals who have previously contracted the COVID-19 virus are also required to provide confirmation of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, unless approved under medical or religious exemption. Applications for vaccine exemptions should be submitted, before January 10, 2022.

Exemption requests should be submitted by December 20, 2021 (winter 2021) and January 10, 2022 (spring 2022) as follows:

Student Medical Exemptions:

Or call (410) 951-4188

Student Religious Exemptions:
Or call (410) 951-3593

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employees (Medical or Religious) Exemptions:

Fax: (410) 951-2667

Masks Required Indoors

The CSU indoor mask requirement has remained in place, since we returned to campus, in Fall 2020. Due to the risk of COVID-19, across the country, and recommendation of local health officials, we will continue to require that masks be worn, indoors, by all students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, regardless of vaccination status.

Masks are not required to be worn outdoors.

CSU Community Health Center Operating Daily COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

The CSU Community Health Center (CHC) is now offering the Moderna vaccine from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., daily. No appointment is necessary, and the vaccine is available to the CSU campus and the external community. For more information, please, contact the CHC at 410-951-4188.

Regarding COVID-19 Testing for the 2021-2022 Academic Year

For the CSU Community, one baseline COVID-19 screening test shall be required for the spring semester, regardless of vaccination status. Testing dates will be communicated.

Beyond the one baseline screening test, fully-vaccinated individuals will be required to test, once per month, during the first week of each month, throughout the spring semester. CSU reserves the right to adjust testing requirements, which may increase, if there are any modifications to the local, state, and/or federal guidelines.

Individuals who are partially vaccinated or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of once per week.*

Dear Eagle Nation,

We are one week into our fall semester, and I am excited to see so many students and faculty bustling around campus, getting back to the business that we are here to do: learn and teach.

Coming off the heels of our first week of in-person classes, we are participating in MPT’s #HBCUWeekMD, an initiative launched to raise greater awareness about the importance of HBCUs. As we continue to teach students how to use the challenges they face to reach higher learning and to think critically to gain better understanding and lengthen their reach in society, my hope is that Coppin students leave our campus feeling the empowerment of their HBCU degree. Our students go on to become the leaders and creators of the next generation, and I am honored to be a part of the HBCU network of institutions that make this a reality. 

I hope you will watch the various MPT interviews of me and my fellow HBCU presidents, as we provide further insight on the outstanding missions that guide some of the best institutions of higher education in the country. You are likely to see some other familiar Coppin faces, as well.



Coppin Faculty & Staff Excited to Welcome Students Back to Campus with True Eagle Pride Coppin State University welcomed students and faculty back to campus, last week, after a long year of mostly remote learning and working. While some feel more cautious than others about the return, many are enthusiastic about returning to campus and starting the semester in a way that’s closer to the normal that they are used to. Faculty Senate President and Assistant Professor within the College of Business, Dr. Ericka N. Covington, has worked to help with what she considered a quick transition and pivot, during the pandemic, where faculty had to adapt to the virtual learning lifestyle, completely. She, specifically, credits Coppin’s IT (Information Technology) department with helping to train and prepare faculty and students for remote learning.

Distance learning required a higher level of discipline for many students and presented many barriers to communication that were not prevalent during in-person instruction. Some students dealt with distractions in the virtual learning environment and professors found a challenge in gauging who was comprehending and retaining information, compared to in-person instruction. Relief can be found in the return to campus as the barriers presented by remote communication are no longer an issue.

Reflecting on the past week, Dr. Covington is thrilled to see students coming back to campus life. “We've got students from all over the United States coming in. So just seeing students mixing and mingling and just having that first time opportunity to be on their own and make their own independent decisions and get in the mix. That's the best part,” Dr. Covington said.


Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination?

Vaccine Confirmations
Vaccination confirmations from all incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, who will be reporting to campus, should be submitted to the designated university office, before August 30, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources:
Fax: (410) 951-2667

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office.

Additional COVID-19 updates can be found at:

I remain grateful for the students and employees who been vaccinated and continue to wear their masks as we work to keep our campus as safe as possible. Positivity numbers continue to remain extremely low and vaccination compliance is extremely high. These are all ingredients for a successful semester.

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Dear Eagle Nation,

I would like to take this moment to congratulate all our new students and welcome returning students back to the “Nest!” It is exciting to have you on campus, and I look forward to meeting you in the coming days and weeks.  

Coppin State First Lady Toinette Jenkins

Together, as we embark on a new semester, and a new journey, take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. I remember what it was like to be a college student, not so long ago (smile), and trying to find my way. 

Know this: you have what it takes to excel this year and to complete your journey. While the current environment may bring challenges, you are built for this, and as a part of Eagle Nation, we have your back. Never hesitate to reach out to faculty and staff for support, and take full advantage of the many resources our beloved Coppin offers. Remember…WE ARE ONE COPPIN AND EAGLE STRONG!
I wish you all the best. Go Eagles!

First Lady Toinette Jenkins


Coppin State Receives Approval for New Academic Program Offerings

The Maryland Higher Education Commission recently approved three exciting academic offerings for the university. Beginning in 2022, students will have the opportunity to pursue a bachelor of science in data science, through the College of Business; a master of science in health information management, through the College of Health Professions; and the existing bachelor of science in management information systems will be offered through online modality, as well as the current face-to-face option, within the College of Business.

President Jenkins Greets Students on Move-In Day

I had the pleasure of welcoming incoming students to the residence halls, last week. I was happy to meet some parents and, hopefully, I made them feel at ease, assuring them that part of the Coppin responsibility is to cultivate their children to become independent thinkers and innovators. Even though some students continued their studies at home, for the past year or so, the traditional somberness that accompanies college move-ins and goodbyes could still be felt, as parents watched their sons and daughters gain another family committed to their success.

President Anthony Jenkins welcomes students and families back to Coppin State University. He visited the residence halls during Move-in Day and is excited to see students return for in-person instruction for fall 2021.

First Day of School!

It was wonderful to see so many of our students as they attended the first day of classes. Here’s to an incredible year!

President Jenkins visiting with a class in the Science & Technology building.

President Jenkins visiting students in the dining hall.


The Department of Natural Sciences had this photo planned for months!

Join us October 15, 2021 @ 9:00 a. m. in JWJ Auditorium.

Daley Hall director Chantel Broxton gives a little encouragement to be safe with a warm welcome back to campus.

Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination?

Vaccine Confirmations
Vaccination confirmations from all incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, who will be reporting to campus, should be submitted to the designated university office, before August 30, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources:

Fax: (410) 951-2667

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office.

Additional COVID-19 updates can be found at:

Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated and worked with us to keep our campus protected, during this pandemic. I’m looking forward to an amazing school year!

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Dear Eagle Nation,

The excitement of our fall return to campus is in the air, and I had the opportunity to kick it off as I welcomed students back to the residence halls, last week. We also enjoyed a wonderful brunch and some fun and games, along with the First Family, on Sunday.

Only one more week until I get to see all of our students back on campus, and I am delighted that the majority of our faculty and staff, and many of our students, are in full compliance with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Students will not be allowed to attend in-person courses, unless they have submitted confirmation that they are in compliance with the vaccine mandate.

Exemption requests for medical or religious reasons should be submitted before August 30, 2021.

Dr. Jenkins greeting students and parents during CSU Move-in Day. Dr. Jenkins greeting students and parents during CSU Move-in Day. Dr. Jenkins greeting students and parents during CSU Move-in Day.

President Jenkins greeting students and parents during CSU Move-in Day.

Upcoming dates and deadlines:

  • August 23-27  |  Late Registration (Late fee is being waived)
  • August 30  |  First Day of Classes

All current members of the CSU Men's Basketball Team are fully vaccinated

All current members of the Coppin State Men's Basketball team (pictured with Dr. Tracey Murray, chair of the CSU COVID Task Force) are fully vaccinated. Go Eagles!

Miss Senior Shayla Williams shares valuable info related to COVID-19 protocols on campus of Coppin State University in the Fall.

Miss Senior Shayla Williams shares valuable information related to COVID-19 protocols on campus this fall.

Get Vaxed!

COVID Updates

Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination?

Vaccine Confirmations
Vaccination confirmations from all incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, who will be reporting to campus, should be submitted to the designated university office, before August 30, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources: 
Fax: (410) 951-2667 

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office. 

Vaccine Exemptions
Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an accommodation or exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. Individuals who have previously contracted the COVID-19 virus are also required to provide confirmation of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, unless approved under medical or religious exemption. Applications for vaccine exemptions should be submitted, before August 30, 2021.

Exemption requests should be submitted as follows:

Student Medical Exemptions: 
Or call (410) 951-4188 

Student Religious Exemptions: 
Or call (410) 951-3593 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employees (Medical or Religious) Exemptions:
Fax: (410) 951-2667

Masks Required Indoors
The CSU indoor mask requirement has remained in place, since we returned to campus, in Fall 2020. Due to the continued rise in COVID-19 cases, across the country, and the lack of full vaccine compliance, we will continue to require that masks be worn, indoors, by all students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, regardless of vaccination status. 

Masks are not required to be worn outdoors. 

CSU Community Health Center Operating Daily COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
The CSU Community Health Center (CHC) is now offering the Moderna vaccine from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., daily. No appointment is necessary, and the vaccine is available to the CSU campus and the external community. For more information, please, contact the CHC at 410-951-4188.

Regarding COVID-19 Testing for the 2021-2022 Academic Year
For the CSU Community, one baseline COVID-19 screening test shall be required for the fall semester, regardless of vaccination status. For employees, this was completed August 10-12. For students, this should be completed prior to coming to campus.  

Beyond the one baseline screening test, fully-vaccinated individuals will be required to test, once per month, during the first week of each month, throughout the fall semester. CSU reserves the right to increase testing requirements if there are any modifications to the local, state, and/or federal guidelines.

Individuals who are partially vaccinated or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of once per week.*

Upcoming testing dates are:

  • August 24-26
  • September 1-3
  • September 7-9
  • September 21-23

To begin the two-part booking process, click here: (link removed)

*The testing frequency may change based on local, state, and/or federal guidance, local disease transmission, and/or any outbreaks.

Any individual who is exposed to someone with COVID-19 should plan to test five to seven days, after the exposure.

Any individual who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should plan to test. Please, continue to submit symptom-monitoring forms, daily, prior to coming to campus. 

Any individual, regardless of vaccination status, who desires a screening test, may request a test through the CSU Community Health Center by calling 410-951-4188.

University-Related Business Travel
We resumed domestic, university-related business travel on, June 1, 2021. Faculty, staff, and students must meet the following criteria:

  • Fully-vaccinated with confirmation on file with the university OR
  • Approved exemption
  • Upon return from travel- You do NOT need to get tested or self-quarantine if you are fully vaccinated. You should monitor for symptoms and test, if symptomatic.
  • Those who are exempted from the vaccine mandate are required to follow CDC guidelines regarding travel:
  • Self-monitor for symptoms
  • Wear a mask
  • Non-vaccinated domestic travelers must be tested one to three days prior to travel and tested three to five days upon return.
  • Upon return, must self-quarantine for seven days and have negative COVID-19 test
  • Self-quarantine for 10 days, if not tested for COVID-19.
    - Quarantine/isolation related to University-approved travel will not affect the employee’s leave balance.

Personal Travel
Employees who participate in personal travel outside the state of Maryland (this does not apply to employees who commute to campus):

Fully vaccinated employees, who are asymptomatic, may report to work, upon return from personal, domestic travel. You do NOT need to get tested or self-quarantine if you are fully vaccinated.

Unvaccinated employees:

  • Wear a mask while traveling on public transportation and while inside transportation hubs.
  • Maintain physical distance of at least six feet, when in crowds
  • Must test 3-5 days, upon return
  • Must self-quarantine for a full 7 days, after travel
  • Monitor for symptoms
  • Employees must use their own available leave when required to self-quarantine/isolate as a result of personal travel.

Continue to follow our CSU COVID-19 updates by visiting online at:

Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who have submitted proper exemption documentation. We will continue to work with our campus taskforce and external agencies to employ the best policies to keep our campus safe. Together, we can overcome this pandemic and have a wonderful academic year.

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Dear Eagle Nation,

I had the pleasure of welcoming our faculty and staff back to campus, yesterday, as we celebrated an in-person University Day event. It was a welcome change to be able to see, in-person, the faces that have graced computer screens, through virtual meetings, over this past year. While we continue to wear our masks to maintain safety against the spread of COVID-19, the excitement of our wonderful faculty and staff was exuding from behind CSU masks, and I know that we are all eager to start a wonderful academic year. 

All of our returning students, faculty, and staff are required to provide confirmation of having the COVID-19 vaccine or an approved exemption, if they will be reporting to campus, this fall. As of today, we have confirmed that more than 80 percent of our faculty and staff are in full compliance with the vaccine mandate. The vaccination percentage among our students who are planning to live in the residence halls is over 70 percent. This is an impressive showing of the Coppin commitment to beating COVID-19. We will continue our efforts to encourage all of our students (including commuters) and employees to get vaccinated and to submit their confirmations or applications for exemption, before classes begin, August 30.

University_Day University Day University Day

Faculty and staff engaged in person, for the first time since the pandemic, during University Day on Aug. 16

Early Childhood Elementary major, Starr Farrell, shares her COVID-19 vaccination experience.

COVID Updates

Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination?

Vaccine Confirmations
Vaccination confirmations from all incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, who will be reporting to campus for fall courses or employment, should be submitted to the designated university office, before August 30, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources: 
Fax: (410) 951-2667 

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office. 

Vaccine Exemptions
Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an accommodation or exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. Individuals who have previously contracted the COVID-19 virus are also required to provide confirmation of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, unless approved under medical or religious exemption. Applications for vaccine exemptions should be submitted, before August 30, 2021.

Exemption requests should be submitted as follows:

Student Medical Exemptions: 
Or call (410) 951-4188 

Student Religious Exemptions: 
Or call (410) 951-3593 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employees (Medical or Religious) Exemptions:
Fax: (410) 951-2667

Masks Required Indoors
The CSU indoor mask requirement has remained in place, since we returned to campus, in Fall 2020. Due to the continued rise in COVID-19 cases, across the country, and the lack of full vaccine compliance, we will continue to require that masks be worn, indoors, by all students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, regardless of vaccination status. 

Masks are not required to be worn outdoors. 

CSU Community Health Center Operating Daily COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
The CSU Community Health Center (CHC) is now offering the Moderna vaccine from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., daily. No appointment is necessary, and the vaccine is available to the CSU campus and the external community. For more information, please, contact the CHC at 410-951-4188.

Regarding COVID-19 Testing for the 2021-2022 Academic Year
For the CSU Community, one baseline COVID-19 screening test shall be required for the fall semester, regardless of vaccination status. For employees, this was completed August 10-12. For students, this should be completed prior to coming to campus.  

Beyond the one baseline screening test, fully-vaccinated individuals will be required to test, once per month, during the first week of each month, throughout the fall semester. CSU reserves the right to increase testing requirements if there are any modifications to the local, state, and/or federal guidelines.

Individuals who are partially vaccinated or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of once per week.*

Upcoming testing dates are:
August 18-20
August 24-26
September 1-3
September 7-9
September 21-23

To begin the two-part booking process, click here: (link removed)

*The testing frequency may change based on local, state, and/or federal guidance, local disease transmission, and/or any outbreaks.

Any individual who is exposed to someone with COVID-19 should plan to test five to seven days, after the exposure.

Any individual who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should plan to test. Please, continue to submit symptom-monitoring forms, daily, prior to coming to campus. 

Any individual, regardless of vaccination status, who desires a screening test, may request a test through the CSU Community Health Center by calling 410-951-4188.

University-Related Business Travel
We resumed domestic, university-related business travel on, June 1, 2021. Faculty, staff, and students must meet the following criteria:

  • Fully-vaccinated with confirmation on file with the university OR
  • Approved exemption
  • Upon return from travel- You do NOT need to get tested or self-quarantine if you are fully vaccinated. You should monitor for symptoms and test, if symptomatic.
  • Those who are exempted from the vaccine mandate are required to follow CDC guidelines regarding travel:
  • Self-monitor for symptoms
  • Wear a mask
  • Non-vaccinated domestic travelers must be tested one to three days prior to travel and tested three to five days upon return.
  • Upon return, must self-quarantine for seven days and have negative COVID-19 test
  • Self-quarantine for 10 days, if not tested for COVID-19.
    - Quarantine/isolation related to University-approved travel will not affect the employee’s leave balance.

Personal Travel
Employees who participate in personal travel outside the state of Maryland (this does not apply to employees who commute to campus):

Fully vaccinated employees, who are asymptomatic, may report to work, upon return from personal, domestic travel. You do NOT need to get tested or self-quarantine if you are fully vaccinated.

Unvaccinated employees:

  • Wear a mask while traveling on public transportation and while inside transportation hubs.
  • Maintain physical distance of at least six feet, when in crowds
  • Must test 3-5 days, upon return
  • Must self-quarantine for a full 7 days, after travel 
  • Monitor for symptoms
  • Employees must use their own available leave when required to self-quarantine/isolate as a result of personal travel.

Continue to follow our CSU COVID-19 updates by visiting online at:

Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who have submitted proper exemption documentation. We will continue to work with our campus taskforce and external agencies to employ the best policies to keep our campus safe. Together, we can overcome this pandemic and have a wonderful academic year.

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Dear Eagle Nation,

We are only a few weeks away from the fall semester, and I am excited to see students and employees back on campus. Many have already done their part to ensure that we get off to a great start by getting vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus and by wearing a mask for added protection of themselves and others. I hope that you are all prepared for the semester and, if you haven’t, please, submit your vaccine confirmation or exemption application to the designated CSU offices. 

Our amazing staff in the CSU Community Health Center is ready to assist you with any questions you may have related to the vaccine, your health, and they can get you vaccinated, today!

Join President Jenkins for a CSU COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall 
I, along with some members of the CSU COVID-19 Taskforce, will discuss the return to campus plans for Fall 2021. This virtual event will be an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to ask questions and learn more details about the campus COVID-19 policies that will be in effect for the upcoming academic semester. Check your CSU email for a link to join on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 3:30 p.m.

Graduate student, Angie Cooper, encourages all to get Vaxed!

COVID Updates

Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination?

Vaccination confirmations from all incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, who will be reporting to campus for fall courses or employment, should be submitted to the designated university office by this Friday, August 13, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources: 
Fax: (410) 951-2667 

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office.

Vaccine Exemptions
Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an accommodation or exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. Individuals who have previously contracted the COVID-19 virus are also required to provide confirmation of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, unless approved under medical or religious exemption. Applications for vaccine exemptions should be submitted by Friday, August 13, 2021.

Exemption requests should be submitted as follows:

Student Medical Exemptions: 
Or call (410) 951-4188 

Student Religious Exemptions: 
Vice President, Student Affairs Dr. Michael Freeman 
Or call (410) 951-3593 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employees (Medical or Religious) Exemptions:
Fax: (410) 951-2667

Masks Required to be Worn Indoors
The CSU indoor mask requirement has remained in place, since we returned to campus, in Fall 2020. Due to the continued rise in COVID-19 cases, across the country, and the lack of full vaccine compliance, we will continue to require that masks be worn, indoors, by all students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees, regardless of vaccination status. 

Masks are not required to be worn outdoors.

CSU Community Health Center Operating Daily COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
The CSU Community Health Center (CHC) will begin offering the Moderna vaccine, daily, starting Tuesday, August 10, 2021. No appointment is necessary, and the vaccine is available to the CSU campus and the external community. For more information, please, contact the CHC at 410-951-4188.

COVID-19 Testing for the Remainder of Summer 2021
(12-month employees and any students on campus)

Asymptomatic individuals who are fully-vaccinated are required to test between August 10-12. Following this baseline testing, fully-vaccinated individuals will be required to test at least, once per month.

Upcoming testing dates are:
Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.
Thursday, August 12, 2021, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

To book your COVID test, (link removed)

Individuals who are not vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or have a religious or medical exemption, shall be required to test a minimum of four times per month.*

*Individuals in athletics who are not fully vaccinated shall test at least twice a week, per the Athletic Department.  

Individuals who do not test at the CHC can submit confirmation of their COVID-19 test results as follows:

Student COVID-19 Test Results: 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee COVID-19Test Results:
Fax: (410) 951-2667

Regarding COVID-19 Testing for the 2021-2022 Academic Year
For the CSU Community, one baseline COVID-19 screening test shall be required for the fall semester, regardless of vaccination status. For employees, this may be completed August 10-12. For students, this should be completed prior to coming to campus.  

Beyond the one baseline screening test, fully-vaccinated individuals will be required to test, once per month, during the first week of each month, throughout the fall semester. CSU reserves the right to increase testing requirements if there are any modifications to the local, state, and/or federal guidelines.

Individuals who are partially vaccinated or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of once per week.*

Upcoming testing dates are:
August 18-20
August 24-26
September 1-3
September 7-9
September 21-23

*The testing frequency may change based on local, state, and/or federal guidance, local disease transmission, and/or any outbreaks.

Any individual who is exposed to someone with COVID-19 should plan to test five to seven days, after the exposure.

Any individual who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should plan to test. Please, continue to submit symptom-monitoring forms, daily, prior to coming to campus. 

Any individual, regardless of vaccination status, who desires a screening test, may request a test through the CSU Community Health Center by calling 410-951-4188.

Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who have submitted proper exemption documentation. We will continue to work with our campus taskforce and external agencies to employ the best policies to keep our campus safe. Together, we can overcome this pandemic and get back to Coppin.

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Dear Eagle Nation,

I want to say THANK YOU to every student, faculty, and staff member who has submitted confirmation of their COVID-19 vaccination. The social responsibility of doing your part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is not a small lift, and I commend you for your commitment to keeping our community as safe as possible.

We are on our way to being ready for the first day of classes, at the end of this month, and I want to remind all students, faculty, and staff who will be reporting to campus, this fall, that your vaccine confirmation or exemption application should be submitted to the designated university office by, August 13.

If you have not already been vaccinated, and would like to do so, our CSU Community Health Center (CHC) is continuing their efforts to provide COVID-19 vaccines to the campus and our surrounding community.

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic on August 4th (Pfizer and Moderna)
On May 10, 2021, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) authorized emergency utilization of the Pfizer vaccine for children 12 years of age or older. The Community Health Center, in collaboration with the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD), Five Medicine, and Safeway are excited to offer Moderna and Pfizer vaccines at NO COST on Wednesday, August 4 , from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM in the Health and Human Services Building (HHSB). Participants can receive the first dose or the second dose, as applicable. While we will continue to vaccinate adults, we are specifically encouraging each member of our CSU community to support our efforts to reach individuals who are 12 years old or older. Anyone who receives the COVID-19 vaccine on August 4, will be considered fully vaccinated by mid-September.

Walk in appointments are available. Optional Registration: COVAX.BaltimoreCity.Gov

To register by phone or for any questions, please, call: 443-984-8650, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM; Saturdays 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

This event is open to anyone who is 12 years of age or older.

CDC Updates
Based on the recent mask updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are no changes to our campus mask mandate. Out of an abundance of caution for our CSU Community, throughout the summer, CSU has continued to maintain an indoor mask mandate. In addition, Coppin has continued to test anyone who has been in contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19. Further updates will be available during the upcoming President's Town Hall.

CSU COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall: Return to Campus Fall 2021
Join me and members of the CSU COVID-19 Taskforce to discuss the return to campus for Fall 2021. This virtual event will be an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to ask questions and learn more details about the campus COVID-19 policies that will be in effect for the upcoming academic semester.

CSU COVID-19 Testing
As we continue to see low infection rates on our campus, COVID-19 testing is still required for individuals on campus who are not fully vaccinated, are partially vaccinated, Testing is offered through our Community Health Center (CHC).

The Community Health Center will be testing on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, August 4, 2021, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Thursday, August 5, 2021, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM & 1:30 – 3:00 PM
  • Friday, August 6, 2021, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
  • To begin the two-part booking process, (link removed)

Lt. Lawrence Ames, CSU Police, encourages all to get Vaxed!

Register for the Vax

Thank you to all those who have continued to work hard to keep our campus safe.

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Professor Susan Fetcho, Department of Psychology, Counseling and Behavioral Health encourages all to get Vaxed!


Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination?

All incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees are required to be fully vaccinated, in order to return to the campus. Confirmation that you are fully vaccinated must be provided by sending a copy or photo of the front AND back of your vaccination card to the appropriate office no later than, August 13, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources: 
Fax: (410) 951-3667

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office.

Vaccine Exemptions

Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an accommodation or exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. All requests for exemption or other accommodation for fall 2021 should have been submitted by July 15, 2021. Individuals who have previously contracted the COVID-19 virus are also required to provide confirmation of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, unless approved under medical or religious exemption.

Exemption requests should have been submitted as follows:

Student Medical Exemptions:
Or call (410) 951-4188

Student Religious Exemptions: 
Vice President, Student Affairs Dr. Michael Freeman
Or call (410) 951-3593

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employees (Medical or Religious) Exemptions: 
Fax: (410) 951-3666

COVID-19 Testing for the Remainder of the Summer 2021
(12-month employees and any students on campus)

As of July 11, 2021, asymptomatic individuals who are fully-vaccinated do not need to test until August 10-12. Individuals who are not vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of twice a month.*

*Individuals in athletics who are not fully vaccinated shall test at least twice a week, as per the Athletic Department.

The testing dates are:
August 4-6
August 10-12

Regarding COVID-19 Testing for the 2021-2022 Academic Year

For the CSU Community, one baseline COVID-19 screening test shall be required for the fall semester, regardless of vaccination status. For employees, this may be completed August 10-12. For students, this should be completed prior to coming to campus. 

Beyond the one baseline screening test, fully vaccinated individuals do not need to undergo routine COVID-19 testing. CSU reserves the right to have fully vaccinated individuals participate in testing if there are any modifications to the local, state, and/or federal guidelines.

Individuals who are partially vaccinated or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of twice a month.*

The testing dates are:
August 18-20
August 24-26
September 1-3
September 7-9
September 21-23

*The testing frequency may change based on local, state, and/or federal guidance, local disease transmission, and/or any outbreaks.

Any individual who is exposed to someone with COVID-19 should plan to test five to seven days, after the exposure.

Any individual who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should plan to test.

Any individual who is fully vaccinated who desires a screening test, may request a test through the CSU Community Health Center.

Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who have submitted proper exemption documentation.

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Dr. Beverly O'Bryant, Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences encourages all to get Vaxed!


Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination?

All incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees are required to be fully vaccinated, in order to return to the campus. Confirmation that you are fully vaccinated must be provided by sending a copy or photo of the front AND back of your vaccination card to the appropriate office no later than, August 13, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources: 
Fax: (410) 951-3667 

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office. 

Vaccine Exemptions

Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an accommodation or exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. All requests for exemption or other accommodation for fall 2021 should have been submitted by July 15, 2021. Individuals who have previously contracted the COVID-19 virus are also required to provide confirmation of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, unless approved under medical or religious exemption.

Exemption requests should have been submitted as follows:

Student Medical Exemptions: 
Or call (410) 951-4188 

Student Religious Exemptions: 
Vice President, Student Affairs Dr. Michael Freeman 
Or call (410) 951-3593 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employees (Medical or Religious) Exemptions: 
Fax: (410) 951-3666

COVID-19 Testing for the Remainder of the Summer 2021
(12-month employees and any students on campus)

As of July 11, 2021, asymptomatic individuals who are fully-vaccinated do not need to test until August 10-12. Individuals who are not vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of twice a month.*

*Individuals in athletics who are not fully vaccinated shall test at least twice a week, as per the Athletic Department.  

The testing dates are:

  • July 21-23
  • August 4-6
  • August 10-12

Regarding COVID-19 Testing for the 2021-2022 Academic Year

For the CSU Community, one baseline COVID-19 screening test shall be required for the fall semester, regardless of vaccination status. For employees, this may be completed August 10-12. For students, this should be completed prior to coming to campus.  

Beyond the one baseline screening test, fully vaccinated individuals do not need to undergo routine COVID-19 testing. CSU reserves the right to have fully vaccinated individuals participate in testing if there are any modifications to the local, state, and/or federal guidelines.

Individuals who are partially vaccinated or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of twice a month.*

The testing dates are:

  • August 18-20
  • August 24-26
  • September 1-3
  • September 7-9
  • September 21-23

*The testing frequency may change based on local, state, and/or federal guidance, local disease transmission, and/or any outbreaks.

Any individual who is exposed to someone with COVID-19 should plan to test five to seven days, after the exposure.

Any individual who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should plan to test.

Any individual who is fully vaccinated who desires a screening test, may request a test through the CSU Community Health Center.

Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who have submitted proper exemption documentation. 
Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Coppin State graduate student and Dedmond Hall Director Angie Cooper encourages all to get Vaxed!

Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination?

All incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees are required to be fully vaccinated, in order to return to the campus. Confirmation that you are fully vaccinated must be provided by sending a copy or photo of the front AND back of your vaccination card to the appropriate office no later than, August 13, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources: 
Fax: (410) 951-3667 

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office.

Vaccine Exemptions

Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an accommodation or exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. All requests for exemption or other accommodation for fall 2021 should be submitted no later than, July 15, 2021. Individuals who have previously contracted the COVID-19 virus are also required to provide confirmation of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, unless approved under medical or religious exemption.

Exemption requests should be submitted as follows:

Student Medical Exemptions: 
Or call (410)-951-4188 

Student Religious Exemptions 
Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Michael Freeman 
Or call (410) 951-3593 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employees (Medical or Religious) Exemptions: 
Fax: (410) 951-3666

COVID-19 Testing for the Remainder of the Summer 2021

(12-month employees and any students on campus)

As of July 11, 2021, asymptomatic individuals who are fully-vaccinated do not need to test until the week of August 10-12. Individuals who are not vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of twice a month.*

*Individuals in athletics who are not fully vaccinated shall test at least twice a week as per the Athletic Department.  

The testing dates are:

July 12-14 (if did not test July 7-9)
July 21-23
August 4-6
August 10-12

Regarding COVID-19 Testing for the 2021-2022 Academic Year

For the CSU Community, one baseline COVID-19 screening test shall be required for the fall semester, regardless of vaccination status. For employees, this may be completed during the week of August 10-12. For students, this should be completed prior to coming to campus.  

Beyond the one baseline screening test, fully vaccinated individuals do not need to undergo routine COVID-19 testing. CSU reserves the right to have fully vaccinated individuals participate in testing if there are any modifications to the local, state, and/or federal guidelines.

Individuals who are partially vaccinated or have a religious or medical exemption shall be required to test a minimum of twice a month.*

The testing dates are:
August 18-20
August 24-26
September 1-3
September 7-9
September 21-23

*The testing frequency may change based on local, state, and/or federal guidance, local disease transmission, and/or any outbreaks.

Any individual who is exposed to someone with COVID-19 should plan to test on or after day five to seven, after the exposure.

Any individual who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should plan to test.

Any individual who is fully vaccinated who desires a screening test, may request a test through the CSU Community Health Center. 

Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who have submitted proper exemption documentation. 

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Dear Eagle Nation:

We continue our preparations to welcome everyone back to campus, this fall. The CSU COVID-19 Taskforce has been working to determine the safest way to open the campus while maintaining a minimal positivity rate. Below are some important highlights to be aware of as we prepare to welcome everyone back.

Remote Work Ending, July 6

Campus-wide remote work, implemented as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, will end on July 6, 2021. Coppin employees who are currently in a remote work/work-from-home status, will receive specific directions from their supervisor related to expectations, for this fall. All further directions will be provided within each division/department, and they will include the exact return to campus date for each employee, where applicable.

In-person Campus Events Resume, July 6

We will, officially, resume in-person campus events, on July 6. Here’s what you need to know about hosting in-person events, at Coppin: 

All CSU faculty, staff, and students must be fully-vaccinated, or have an approved exemption, in order to host or participate in any in-person campus event. Confirmations must be on-file with the appropriate university personnel. 

All third-party, external hosts must be fully-vaccinated or have an acceptable exemption. External guests who attend the in-person event must comply with symptom monitoring and all testing requirements. They must also follow the campus mask requirement. 

What are the campus mask and testing requirements?

As we turn the pandemic corner, we must remain vigilant about our campus COVID-19 protocols, until a larger percentage of the campus community is vaccinated. This includes continuing to wear a mask, indoors, and testing, twice per month, as necessary—even if you have been vaccinated. For now, we must continue to take these precautions as we prepare to bring more people back to campus, this fall. 

Masks are not required to be worn, outdoors.
The Community Health Center will continue to offer COVID-19 testing. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency is continuing at twice per month. 

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated. Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements.

Video: Coppin State Dean of Health Professions, Dr. Tracey Murray, Ph.D. talks COVID-19 vaccinations.

Coppin will be hosting a Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The CSU Community Health Center staff, in collaboration with the Baltimore City Health Department, will be administering the vaccine. It is open to individuals, 18 and older. It is open to members of the surrounding community and the CSU campus. Click here to register. Walk-ins are welcome.

Additional Vaccination Information

Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination? 

All incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees are required to be fully vaccinated, in order to return to the campus. Confirmation that you are fully vaccinated must be provided by sending a copy or photo of the front AND back of your vaccination card to the appropriate office no later than, August 13, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center: 
Fax: (410)-951-6158 

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources: 
Fax: (410) 951-3667 

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office.

International Students, Faculty, and Staff

Only US-approved vaccine confirmations will be accepted. If you need assistance getting an appointment or locating a vaccine site, please, visit for a link that will direct you to a location closest to you. You can also contact the CSU Community Health Center for assistance, at (410) 951-4188, or by emailing

What if you would like to apply for an exemption from the vaccine mandate?

Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an accommodation or exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. All requests for exemption or other accommodation for fall 2021 should be submitted no later than, July 15, 2021.

Exemption requests should be submitted as follows:

Student Medical Exemptions:
Or call (410)-951-4188

Student Religious Exemptions 
Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Michael Freeman
Or call (410) 951-3593

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employees (Medical or Religious Exemptions:
Fax: (410) 951-3666

What happens if you are approved to be exempt from getting the vaccine?

Students, faculty, and staff who are approved for exemption will be allowed to report to the campus. Faculty and staff who are exempted from the vaccine mandate are expected to report to the campus to perform their job duties, based on consultation with their division vice president and the Office of Human Resources.

They will be required to wear a mask indoors, at all times, and outdoors, where appropriate social distancing cannot be maintained. They will also be required to test, based on campus frequency, which is currently twice per month. This could increase to as often as twice per week, in the fall.

What happens if you apply for an exemption but are not approved for the exemption or other accommodation?

Faculty and staff who are not approved for a medical or religious exemption will be required to submit confirmation of vaccine compliance by a date determined by the Office of Human Resources. The Office of Human Resources will engage in an interactive process to determine what other accommodations are deemed reasonable.

Students who are not approved for a medical or religious exemption will be required to submit confirmation of vaccine compliance by a date determined by the CSU Community Health Center or the Division of Student Affairs, as appropriate. The Office of Student Affairs will engage with students to determine whether other reasonable accommodations are available.

Testing Dates for the Summer

The CSU Community Health Center will continue to offer COVID-19 testing, throughout the summer, as follows: 

Wednesday, July 7 – Friday, July 9 
Wednesday, July 21 – Friday, July 23 
Wednesday, August 4 – Friday, August 6 
Tuesday, August 17 – Thursday, August 19 

Anyone in the campus community who needs to be tested can contact the health center at or call (410) 951-4188.


Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who have submitted proper exemption documentation. 

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Dear Eagle Nation:

As part of our efforts for a safe return to campus this fall, Coppin will be hosting a Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 from 10 a.m to 12 noon. The CSU Community Health Center staff in conjunction with the Baltimore City Health Department will be administering the vaccine. It is open to individuals, 18 and older, who are members of the CSU campus and the surrounding communities. Click here to register.

The health and safety of our Coppin community is paramount. According to the CDC, to be fully vaccinated, two weeks must have passed since the second dose in a 2-dose series of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or two weeks after a single dose of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. To be on campus for University Day on August 16th, you must have the last dose by no later that July 30th to meet the August 13th deadline. If you are receiving the Moderna vaccine, you will need to receive your first dose no later than July 2nd in order to get your second dose by July 30th. 
For anyone arriving from outside the United States, the listing of approved World Health Organization (WHO) vaccines can be found by visiting

Video: CSU Provost Leontye Lewis, Ph.D. encourages folks to get vaccinated for a safe return to campus in Fall '21.


Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who have submitted proper exemption documentation. 

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!

Dear Eagle Nation:

Coppin State University is planning for a safe return to campus in the fall. We are aligning the campus plan with the University System of Maryland's requirement that everyone returning to campus must be vaccinated (unless an approved exemption is received).

We are aiming for anyone returning to campus in the fall to be fully vaccinated by August 13, 2021. For more on the COVID-19 vaccination, please visit and click "Get Vaccinated."

Over the next few weeks, we will be joined by members of the Eagle(vacci)Nation as well as friends of Coppin to get important information and their take on a safe return to campus.

Video: Baltimore City Mayor Brandon Scott joined Coppin State University President Anthony Jenkins to encourage folks to get vaccinated for a safe return to campus in Fall '21.


Thank you to all those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who have submitted proper exemption documentation. 

Take care, be well, and Get Vaxed!


Dear Coppin Community:

We look forward to welcoming you back to the campus, this fall. Below are some important details to keep in mind as you plan your return to campus.

All students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees are required to submit confirmation of being fully-vaccinated, by August 13, 2021. We continue to offer vaccine assistance to our campus community through the CSU Community Health Center.

  • Call: 410-951-4188
  • Email:
  • Online:


Members of the Coppin Community who wish to apply for an exemption from the vaccine mandate should reach out to the designated offices, below. Request forms for medical and religious exemptions are now available, online.

Student Medical Exemption Requests

  • Call: 410-951-4188
  • Email:
  • Online:

Student Religious Exemption Requests

  • Call Student Affairs: 410-951-3593
  • Email:
  • Online:

Employee Medical and Religious Exemption Requests

  • Call: 410-951-3666
  • Email:
  • Online:

How To Submit Verification That You Have Received the Vaccine

Students should submit confirmation of their vaccine by sending a copy of the front and back of their COVID-19 vaccination card to:

  • Email:
  • Fax: 410-951-6158
  • In-Person: CSU Community Health Center

Employees and third-party vendor staff should submit confirmation of their vaccine by sending a copy of the front and back of their COVID-19 vaccination card to:

  • Email:
  • Fax: 410-951-2669
  • In-Person: Office of Human Resources

Campus Summer Testing Dates

We continue to see low infection rates on our campus, and COVID-19 testing is still required and offered through our Community Health Center.

  • Wednesday, June 9 – Friday, June 11
  • Wednesday, June 23 – Friday, June 25
  • Wednesday, July 7 – Friday, July 9
  • Wednesday, July 21 – Friday, July 23
  • Wednesday, August 4 – Friday, August 6
  • Tuesday, August 17 – Thursday, August 19

Anyone in the CSU campus community who needs to be tested can contact the Community Health Center at, or call (410) 951-4188.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Dear Eagle Nation:

The moment we have all been waiting for is, finally, here. COPPIN STATE UNIVERSITY WILL BE BACK ON CAMPUS, THIS FALL! Fresh off the heels of an amazing outdoor commencement, we are working to finalize plans to return to campus for the fall 2021 semester.

I am very excited and looking forward to welcoming our faculty, staff, and especially, our STUDENTS, back to the beautiful Coppin campus. I can’t wait to see all of the wonderful faces and experience the exuberance of a full and lively campus community. My hope is that each and every single student, faculty member, and staff member will return to the campus, this fall. In order to do that, below are some things you need to know. Updates will continue to be provided via Coppin email and on our website at

COVID-19 Updates

Have you submitted confirmation of your COVID-19 vaccination? All incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and third-party vendor employees are required to be fully vaccinated, in order to return to the campus. Confirmation that you are fully vaccinated must be provided by sending a copy or photo of the front AND back of your vaccination card to the appropriate office no later than, August 13, 2021.

Student vaccination confirmation should be submitted to the Health Center:

  • Email:
  • Fax: (410)-951-6158

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employee Vaccination Confirmation should be submitted to Human Resources:

  • Email:
  • Fax: (410) 951-3667

Vaccine confirmation can also be submitted in-person to the appropriate office.

International Students, Faculty, and Staff

Only US-approved vaccine confirmations will be accepted. If you need assistance getting an appointment or locating a vaccine site, please, visit for a link that will direct you to a location closest to you. You can also contact the CSU Community Health Center for assistance, at (410) 951-4188 or by emailing

Vaccination Available on Campus - No Appointment Necessary

Anyone who would like to receive the COVID-19 vaccine can walk-in, without an appointment, this Saturday, May 29, from 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., and our amazing health center staff and nurses will be onsite to get you vaccinated.

What if you would like to apply for an exemption from the vaccine mandate?

Students, faculty, and staff who wish to seek an accommodation or exemption for medical or religious reasons, may apply to do so. All requests for exemption or other accommodation for fall 2021 should be submitted no later than, July 15, 2021.

Exemption requests should be submitted as follows:

Student Medical Exemptions:

Email: or call (410)-951-4188

Student Religious Exemptions:

Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Michael Freeman

Email: or call (410) 951-3593

Faculty/Staff/Vendor Employees (Medical or Religious Exemptions):

  • Email:
  • Fax: (410) 951-3666

What happens if you are approved to be exempt from getting the vaccine?

Students, faculty, and staff who are approved for exemption will be allowed to report to the campus. Faculty and staff who are exempted from the vaccine mandate are expected to report to the campus to perform their job duties, based on consultation with their division vice president and the Office of Human Resources.

They will be required to wear a mask indoors, at all times, and outdoors, where appropriate social distancing cannot be maintained. They will also be required to test, based on campus frequency, which is currently twice per month. This could increase to as often as twice per week, in the fall.

What happens if you apply for an exemption but are not approved for the exemption or other accommodation?

Faculty and staff who are not approved for a medical or religious exemption will be required to submit confirmation of vaccine compliance by a date determined by the Office of Human Resources. The Office of Human Resources will engage in an interactive process to determine what other accommodations are deemed reasonable.

Students who are not approved for a medical or religious exemption will be required to submit confirmation of vaccine compliance by a date determined by the CSU Community Health Center or the Division of Student Affairs, as appropriate. The Office of Student Affairs will engage with students to determine whether other reasonable accommodations are available.

Testing Dates for the Summer

The CSU Community Health Center will continue to offer COVID-19 testing, throughout the summer, as follows:

  • Wednesday, June 9 – Friday, June 11
  • Wednesday, June 23 – Friday 25
  • Wednesday, July 7 – Friday, July 9
  • Wednesday, July 21 – Friday, July 23
  • Wednesday, August 4 – Friday, August 6
  • Tuesday, August 17 – Thursday, August 19

Anyone in the campus community who needs to be tested can contact the health center at or call (410) 951-4188.

Fall 2021 Courses Will Be Held In-Person

In-person classes will return for fall 2021, along with campus events and activities. Registration for Fall 2021 is now open, and new and returning students are encouraged to register, as soon as possible (Click Here for Registration Information).

Campus Housing

The residence halls will be open for students enrolled for the fall 2021 semester. Questions related to housing should be forwarded to the Office of Housing and Residence Life at (410) 951-6300.

Mask Requirement

Currently, the City of Baltimore is still under a mask mandate for indoors and outdoors, where social distancing is not possible. As such, those who report to campus must wear a mask when indoors. Masks are required outdoors, where you cannot maintain at least six feet of social distancing.

Understandably, many of us have grown weary of wearing a mask, and I know that I am certainly looking forward to the time when I can greet all the warm Coppin Eagle faces that I've only glimpsed behind their Coppin State masks. Therefore, it is so important that we all do our part to end this pandemic. The more people we encourage to get the vaccine, the sooner we can get back to enjoying college-life and all it has to offer. I hope that you will join me in encouraging as many people as you can to get vaccinated.

University-Related Business Travel

We will resume domestic, university-related business travel on, June 1, 2021. Faculty, staff, and students must meet the following criteria:

  • Fully-vaccinated with confirmation on file with the university OR
  • Approved exemption or other accommodation.

Those who are exempted from the vaccine mandate will be required to follow CDC guidelines regarding travel:

  • Self-monitor for symptoms
  • Wear a mask
  • Non-vaccinated domestic travelers must be tested one to three days prior to travel and tested three to five days upon return.
  • Must self-quarantine for seven days and have negative COVID-19 test OR
  • Self-quarantine for 10 days, if not tested for COVID-19.

In-Person Campus Events

Emerging from the virtual world of the past 12 months, we are excited to get back to the business of inviting people to our amazing campus. We will begin hosting in-person campus events, later this summer. More importantly, here’s what you need to know about hosting in-person events, at Coppin:

  • All CSU faculty, staff, and students must be fully-vaccinated, or have an approved exemption, in order to host or participate in any campus event.
  • All third-party external hosts must be fully-vaccinated or have an acceptable exemption.
  • External guests who attend the in-person event must comply with Symptom Monitoring and all testing requirements.

Just as the past 12 months have shown us how fluid and flexible this pandemic is, our plans to return to campus continue to evolve so that we can ensure the safety of our Coppin community and the community around us. You have all been extremely prudent and responsible in your role in this, and the work and diligence has paid off. We are coming back, Coppin! I can’t wait to welcome you.


Lastly, thank you for continuing your commitment to keeping our campus safe during these challenging times.

Take care, be well, and Go Eagles!

Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

Plans to return more students and employees back to campus continue, and I am pleased with the progress that we are making. As you may have heard by now, the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents approved Chancellor Perman’s mandate that all eligible faculty, students, and staff who will be on campus, this fall, must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

I continue to work with the CSU COVID-19 taskforce group to ensure the proper precautions as we move closer to the fall semester. Further updates to our campus protocols will be provided as they are developed. I encourage the campus community to continue to educate yourselves on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

These are the latest updates:

  • In accordance with Chancellor Perman’s mandate, students and employees returning to campus this fall semester must be vaccinated, with exceptions given for medical or religious reasons.
  • Students and employees should be vaccinated no later than July 30th to be considered fully vaccinated by August 13th. This will allow for two weeks from the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or two weeks from the single dose of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. If completing the two-dose vaccine regimen, the first dose should be completed by no later than July 2nd.
  • In accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Baltimore City Health department, we will continue to wear masks in indoors and outdoors if social distancing of at least six feet cannot be observed.
  • The rationale for masks is that we will continue to have a mixture of vaccinated and unvaccinated students and employees on campus.

What if you already have the vaccine?

Members of the campus community who have already received the COVID-19 vaccine: THANK YOU! Your dedication to protecting yourself and your community is commendable, and I appreciate your swift action.

For now, all campus COVID-19 protocols must be followed by anyone who reports to the campus. This means that everyone must continue to wear their mask and test, twice per month, as necessary—even if you have been vaccinated. For now, we must continue to take these precautions as we prepare to bring more people back to campus, this fall.

The Community Health Center will continue to offer COVID-19 testing. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency is continuing at twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements. Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason, even after being vaccinated.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. All students, faculty, and staff can get tested by contacting the health center, directly, at 410-951-4188.

Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of May 17, our campus positivity rate is zero percent. Our efforts to control the spread of this virus continue to prove worthwhile, and I am grateful to our campus community for their continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 456,216 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 2.51 percent, and Maryland has seen 8,740 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 52,293 known cumulative positive cases and 973 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and I look forward to welcoming you all back to a safe and healthy university, this fall.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy summer.

Go, Eagles!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

Plans to return more students and employees back to campus continue, and I am pleased with the progress that we are making. As you may have heard by now, the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents approved Chancellor Perman’s mandate that all eligible faculty, students, and staff who will be on campus, this fall, must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Details about getting vaccinated and our fall 2021 return to campus will be released, soon. I hope that you will continue to educate yourself on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

What if you already have the vaccine?

Members of the campus community who have already received the COVID-19 vaccine: THANK YOU! Your dedication to protecting yourself and your community is commendable, and I appreciate your swift action. For now, all campus COVID-19 protocols must be followed by anyone who reports to the campus. This means that everyone must continue to wear their mask and test, twice per month, as necessary—even if you have been vaccinated.

For now, the science says that we must continue to do take these precautions, and we will continue to follow the reputable science as we prepare to bring more people back to campus, this fall.

The Community Health Center will continue to offer COVID-19 testing. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency is currently twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements. Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason, even after being vaccinated.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. All students, faculty, and staff can get tested by contacting the health center, directly, at 410-951-4188.

Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Upcoming on-campus test dates:

May 10 and May 11

Schedule your appointment for May 10 or 11 testing: k5VQ0wzQzdBV1M0WFk2VjFIMS4u

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of May 10, our campus positivity rate is 1.50 percent. Our efforts to control the spread of this virus continue to prove worthwhile, and I am grateful to our campus community for their continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 453,401 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 3.06 percent, and Maryland has seen 8,670 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 51,899 known cumulative positive cases and 947 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

The last day of classes was May 6. Final exams will be given through May 13. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

We are looking forward to hosting commencement ceremonies, on Friday, May 14. The 2021 Commencement Committee has developed plans that will allow us to host in-person ceremonies, with limited capacity. All commencement participants are required to adhere to CSU’s COVID-19 testing requirements, in order to attend. This year’s event is limited to graduates and support staff, only. In accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Baltimore City Health department, we will continue to wear mask in indoor and outdoor venues. Details and updates can be found at

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

Plans to return more students and employees back to campus continue, and I am pleased with the progress that we are making. As you may have heard by now, the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents approved Chancellor Perman’s mandate that all eligible faculty, students, and staff who will be on campus, this fall, must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Details about getting vaccinated and our fall 2021 return to campus will be released, soon. I hope that you will continue to educate yourself on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

What if you already have the vaccine?

Members of the campus community who have already received the COVID-19 vaccine: THANK YOU! Your dedication to protecting yourself and your community is commendable, and I appreciate your swift action. For now, all campus COVID-19 protocols must be followed by anyone who reports to the campus. This means that everyone must continue to wear their mask and test, twice per month, as necessary—even if you have been vaccinated.

For now, the science says that we must continue to do take these precautions, and we will continue to follow the reputable science as we prepare to bring more people back to campus, this fall.

The Community Health Center will continue to offer COVID-19 testing. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency is currently twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements. Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason, even after being vaccinated.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. All students, faculty, and staff can get tested by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188). Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Upcoming on-campus test dates:

May 10 and May 11

Schedule your appointment for May 10 or 11 testing: k5VQ0wzQzdBV1M0WFk2VjFIMS4u

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of April 19, our campus positivity rate is 1.32 percent. Our efforts to control the spread of this virus continue to prove worthwhile, and I am grateful to our campus community for their continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 449,509 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 3.69 percent, and Maryland has seen 8,605 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 51,286 known cumulative positive cases and 934 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

The last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

We are looking forward to hosting commencement ceremonies, next week, on May 14. The 2021 Commencement Committee has developed plans that will allow us to host in-person ceremonies, with limited capacity. All commencement participants are required to adhere to CSU’s COVID-19 testing requirements, in order to attend. This year’s event is limited to graduates and support staff, only. Details and updates can be found at

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.


Coppin State University

University System of Maryland

This Q&A includes general responses to frequently asked questions. For more specific answers and details regarding procedures, please contact your university.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does emergency use authorization by the FDA mean?

Emergency use authorization (EUA) facilitates the use of medical countermeasures—including vaccines—during public health emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. An EUA requires a finding that it’s “reasonable to believe” that the vaccine “may be effective” to prevent serious or life-threatening diseases, or to mitigate a disease or condition

In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines under EUA, both the safety and efficacy have now been demonstrated well beyond the initial clinical trial data; millions of shots have been administered, and only one vaccine—Johnson & Johnson—has been linked to any serious issue following its EUA approval. That review led to the requirement that a warning be added to the Johnson & Johnson label regarding a very rare side effect, and the vaccine remains in use in the U.S.

Why have the COVID-19 vaccines not yet received full approval by the FDA?

Emergency use authorization by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires a determination of the safety and efficacy of a vaccine. That determination was based upon the submission of data from carefully designed clinical trials on tens of thousands of patients. In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States, the safety and efficacy data were provided, and the EUA was issued.

For full approval, however, the FDA also requires duration data, meaning documentation of efficacy for an extended period of time. For the vaccines currently available, the six-month period of observation ends in April/May, and the nine-month period in July/August. It’s anticipated that the FDA will reconvene the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the end of those periods to determine whether full approval will be recommended to the FDA.

What about the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data that shows reports of adverse reactions/incidents after vaccination?

The VAERS database is a compilation of voluntary reports from all sources. There are several significant limitations to the interpretation of the data, including:

  • Reports may include incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, and unverified information.
  • The number of reports alone cannot be used to reach accurate conclusions about the existence, severity, or frequency of problems associated with vaccines.
  • A report to VAERS does not—in itself—mean the vaccine caused the adverse reaction.

What documentation do I have to show to prove I’ve been vaccinated?

If you have been vaccinated in Maryland and you have given your university permission to obtain your data (HIPAA authorization), additional documentation will not be necessary.

Otherwise, the vaccination card provided by the vaccination site or a note signed by a physician should be sufficient for documentation. If you have been given some sort of electronic passport, your university may be able to accept that as sufficient documentation.

What documentation do I have to provide for a medical exemption?

You should submit records provided by a physician documenting that you have been diagnosed with one of the conditions the CDC considers a contraindication for vaccination. Contraindications include a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, an immediate allergic reaction to a previous dose of any component of the vaccine, or a known allergy to any component of the vaccine.

Additional special circumstances documented by a physician may be submitted to the appropriate university office for consideration of an exemption.

What documentation do I have to provide for a religious exemption?

Your university will advise you of the information you need to provide for a religious exemption and which office handles exemption requests.

What COVID-19 prevention and containment strategies will universities continue?

Universities will define and maintain certain masking, physical distancing, and hygiene protocols (e.g., hand-washing, cleaning, ventilation). These protocols will be made available to the campus community and may be adjusted as the semester progresses.

Universities will continue COVID-19 testing and will detail their testing protocols for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. In addition, universities will detail quarantine protocols for those exposed to COVID-19 and isolation protocols for those testing positive for the disease.

Violation of university protocols may result in student conduct or employee disciplinary proceedings.

If I’m vaccinated, do I still have to wear a mask?

Mask wearing will continue as long as there is sufficient risk of COVID-19 presence and spread in the community. Universities will follow CDC and State guidelines on masking. As masking requirements change over time, universities will communicate those changes.

While vaccination protects an individual from getting seriously ill with COVID-19, it does not always prevent an individual from carrying the virus or transmitting it. Therefore, conditions on campus and in the surrounding communities will influence masking regulations.

If I’m vaccinated, do I still have to physically distance?

The conditions on campus will determine the degree to which physical distancing will be required, especially in indoor spaces. Your university will determine the amount of space required between desks, chairs in a conference room, lounge chairs, etc.

What if I can prove that everyone in my group (e.g., class, chess club) is vaccinated? Does that change the answer?

You must comply with your university’s masking and distancing rules whether or not the individuals in your group are vaccinated. Only in situations where university officials allow unmasking will the removal of face coverings be permitted.

If I’ve been vaccinated, do I still need to be tested?

All individuals will need to show a negative COVID-19 test result upon arriving on campus for the fall semester.

Additional testing protocols will be determined by your university. Students who can document vaccination will be tested less frequently than those not vaccinated. Testing frequency will be influenced by the positivity rate on campus and in the surrounding communities, and/or the introduction of new COVID-19 variants into these communities.

Campus testing protocols will be defined and disseminated by your university.

I’m an international student and received a vaccine other than Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson. What do I need to do?

Universities will accept any vaccine authorized by the FDA or the World Health Organization (WHO). International students who have been vaccinated with a vaccine not authorized by either of these organizations may be tested and quarantined for a period of time upon arrival on campus, and may be re-vaccinated with an FDA-authorized vaccine.

For international students coming from areas where vaccines are not widely available, vaccination will be offered upon arrival on campus.

What if I try to get vaccinated but there are no available doses for me?

Students planning to be on campus in the fall should make arrangements in ample time to be fully vaccinated prior to arrival. With eligibility opened nationwide to those 16 and older, expanded vaccine availability, and a rising number of vaccination sites across the country, this should not be an issue.

If you cannot make such arrangements, contact your university over the summer so that appropriate arrangements can be made for your vaccination and quarantine upon arrival on campus.

I don’t want to room with someone who hasn’t been vaccinated.

Only those who have been fully vaccinated or have been exempted from the vaccination requirement will be permitted in on-campus housing. Exceptions to the vaccination mandate will be very limited, meaning residence hall populations should be considered safe.

If I’ve had my first vax appointment but not my second by the time I arrive on campus, will you let me in?

Every effort should be made to get fully vaccinated prior to arriving on campus. Given that states maintain control over which vaccines are available at any site, it’s important that you complete the full series of doses at one vaccination site. Those who do arrive on campus having had only the first shot in a two-dose series may be required to quarantine until fully vaccinated.

What if it turns out we need an additional booster?

Your university will work with the Maryland Department of Health and its local health department to obtain the booster vaccine as it becomes available, following federal and state guidelines.

It’s expected that students living on or near campus should be eligible for any new vaccine—as in a booster shot—when it becomes available to the community.

If you’re testing only non-vaccinated people for COVID-19 (or allowing only vaccinated people at certain events), aren’t you de facto revealing private medical information about me?

Testing protocols will differ for vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals, but all individuals on campus will be tested periodically. The testing site personnel will not divulge information as to vaccination status, but the regularity of testing required may imply that status. There is more than one possible reason why an individual may not have been vaccinated, so even if someone assumes you have not been vaccinated because they are aware of your testing schedule, they will not know why unless you tell them.

Documentation—either of vaccination or of an approved exception—will be sufficient for an individual’s presence on campus and, therefore, for participation in all on-campus events or activities.

Dear Coppin Community:

Plans to return more students and employees back to campus continue, and I am pleased with the progress that we are making. As you may have heard by now, the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents approved Chancellor Perman’s mandate that all eligible faculty, students, and staff who will be on campus, this fall, must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Details about getting vaccinated and our fall 2021 return to campus will be released, soon. I hope that you will join us, this week, as we host expert-led, virtual listening sessions to provide opportunities for our campus community to ask any questions or voice any concerns they may have that are related to COVID-19 and the vaccine.

What if you already have the vaccine?

Members of the campus community who have already received the COVID-19 vaccine: THANK YOU! Your dedication to protecting yourself and your community is commendable, and I appreciate your swift action. For now, all campus COVID-19 protocols must be followed by anyone who reports to the campus. This means that everyone must continue to wear their mask and test, twice per month, as necessary—even if you have been vaccinated.

For now, the science says that we must continue to do take these precautions, and we will continue to follow the reputable science as we prepare to bring more people back to campus, this fall.

The Community Health Center will continue to offer COVID-19 testing, by appointment. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency is currently twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements. Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason, even after being vaccinated.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188).

Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Upcoming on-campus test dates:

April 29 and April 30

Schedule your appointment for April 29 or 30 testing: bby_hUNVM4SEJUWFg2UU4yUk5EQVdOQlI4Q1hLVC4u

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of April 19, we have zero currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. Our efforts to control the spread of this virus are working. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 443,814 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 4.51 percent, and Maryland has seen 8,483 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 50,402 known cumulative positive cases and 910 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

As we did not have a Spring Break, this semester, the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

We are planning to hold limited capacity, in-person 2021 commencement ceremonies, on May 14. The Commencement Committee has developed plans that will allow us to host in-person ceremonies. Details and updates can be found at

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.


Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

Plans to return more students and employees back to campus continue, and I am pleased with the progress that we are making. Details about our fall 2021 return to campus will be released, soon. Any updates will be posted in the CSU website.

The Community Health Center continues to offer COVID-19 testing, by appointment. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency is currently twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month, even after being vaccinated.

Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements.

Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason, even after being vaccinated.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188).

Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Upcoming on-campus test dates: April 29 and April 30

Schedule your appointment for April 29 or 30 testing: bby_hUNVM4SEJUWFg2UU4yUk5EQVdOQlI4Q1hLVC4u

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of April 19, we have three currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. While this number is higher than what we have seen in recent weeks, the campus remains safe, and all necessary precautions have been taken to help prevent further spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 436,659 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 5.39 percent, and Maryland has seen 8,387 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 49,234 known cumulative positive cases and 899 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

As we did not have a Spring Break, this semester, the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

We are planning to hold limited capacity, in-person 2021 commencement ceremonies, on May 14. The Commencement Committee has developed plans that will allow us to host in-person ceremonies. Details and updates can be found at

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.


Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

I expect to have details regarding our return to the campus in the fall determined over the next several weeks. I appreciate the valued input received from faculty, staff, and students, and we continue to work, closely, with the local health department, to ensure that our return to campus is done in a safely and responsibly.

The Community Health Center continues to offer COVID-19 testing, by appointment. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency is currently twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month.

All employees and students are required to complete COVID testing even after being vaccinated.

All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month. A

thletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements.

Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

The campus required testing frequency will continue to be based on the campus positivity rate and guidance received from our designated liaison to the Baltimore City Health Department and other health agencies and experts.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188).

Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Upcoming on-campus test dates:

  • April 15
  • April 16

Schedule your appointment for April 15 or 16 testing: 5WjRFNUY4M1dLV1JTUjZZV1I4SURYNy4

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of April 12, we have one currently active, positive campus case of coronavirus. While this number is higher than what we have seen in recent weeks, the campus remains safe, and all necessary precautions have been taken to help prevent further spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 427,715 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 5.6 percent, and Maryland has seen 8,282 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 47,558 known cumulative positive cases and 876 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

As we did not have a Spring Break, this semester, classes will continue through the last day of classes which will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

We are planning to hold a limited capacity, in-person 2021 commencement ceremony, on May 14. The Commencement Committee has developed plans that will allow us to host an in-person ceremony. Details and updates will be provided at

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.


Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

I expect to have details regarding our return to the campus in the fall determined over the next several weeks. I appreciate the valued input received from faculty, staff, and students, and we continue to work, closely, with the local health department, to ensure that our return to campus is done in a safely and responsibly.

The Community Health Center continues to offer COVID-19 testing, by appointment. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency is currently twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month.

All employees and students are required to complete COVID testing even after being vaccinated.

All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month.

Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements.

Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

The campus required testing frequency will continue to be based on the campus positivity rate and guidance received from our designated liaison to the Baltimore City Health Department and other health agencies and experts.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188).

Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of April 5, we have seven currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. While this number is higher than what we have seen in recent weeks, the campus remains safe, and all necessary precautions have been taken to help prevent further spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 418,188 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 5.79 percent, and Maryland has seen 8,177 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 45,805 known cumulative positive cases and 856 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

As we did not have a Spring Break, this semester, classes will continue through the last day of classes which will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

We are planning to hold a limited capacity, in-person 2021 commencement ceremony, on May 14. The Commencement Committee has developed plans that will allow us to host an in-person ceremony. Details and updates will be provided at

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.


Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

We are continuing to work with the COVID-19 Taskforce to develop plans that will allow us to return back to campus for fall 2021. I realize that many people have concerns about what that may look like, and details regarding our return to the campus are being developed with the help and valued input of faculty, staff, and students. We are also working, closely, with the local health department, to ensure that any return to campus is done in a safe and responsible manner.

The Community Health Center continues to offer COVID-19 testing, by appointment. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency has been amended to twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month.

All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month.

Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements.

Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

The campus required testing frequency will continue to be based on the campus positivity rate and guidance received from our designated liaison to the Baltimore City Health Department and other health agencies and experts.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188).

Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Upcoming on-campus test dates:

  • April 1
  • April 2

Schedule your appointment for April 1 or 2nd testing: bby_hUN1RPTDlWTkFSSE1OVlMzQ0hYVEFLNjZDOS4u

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of March 29, we have one currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. We continue to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 409,075 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 4.99 percent, and Maryland has seen 8,075 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 44,217 known cumulative positive cases and 842 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

As we did not have a Spring Break, this semester, classes will continue through the last day of classes which will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

We are planning to hold a limited capacity, in-person 2021 commencement ceremony, on May 14. The Commencement Committee has developed plans that will allow us to host an in-person ceremony. Details and updates will be provided at

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.


Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

We are continuing to work with the COVID-19 Taskforce to develop plans that will allow us to return back to campus for fall 2021. I realize that many people have concerns about what that may look like, and details regarding our return to the campus are being developed with the help and valued input of faculty, staff, and students. We are also working, closely, with the local health department, to ensure that any return to campus is done in a safe and responsible manner.

The Community Health Center continues to offer COVID-19 testing, by appointment. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency has been amended to twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month.

All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month.

Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements.

Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

The campus required testing frequency will continue to be based on the campus positivity rate and guidance received from our designated liaison to the Baltimore City Health Department and other health agencies and experts.

Testing Location and Reporting 
All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188).

Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of March 15, we have three currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. We continue to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 400,705 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 4.37 percent, and Maryland has seen 7,999 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 42,210 known cumulative positive cases and 823 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

As we did not have a Spring Break, this semester, classes will continue through the last day of classes which will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

We are planning to hold a limited capacity, in-person 2021 commencement ceremony, on May 14. The Commencement Committee has developed plans that will allow us to host an in-person ceremony. Details and updates will be provided at commencement.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!

Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.
President Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

The Community Health Center continues to offer COVID-19 testing, by appointment. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency has been amended to twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month. All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month. Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements. Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

The campus required testing frequency will continue to be based on the campus positivity rate and guidance received from our designated liaison to the Baltimore City Health Department and other health agencies and experts.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188). Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Upcoming on-campus test dates

March 18
March 19


Schedule your appointment for March 18th or 19th, testing,

(Link removed)

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of March 15, we have three currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. We continue to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 394,058 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 3.85 percent, and Maryland has seen 7,873 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 41,702 known cumulative positive cases and 814 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

We will not have a Spring Break, this semester. Classes will continue, uninterrupted, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. Governor Larry Hogan announced less restrictive COVID-19 measures, last week, and I have directed the Commencement Committee to determine whether we might be able to host an in-person ceremony. Details and updates can be found at commencement.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you, again, for your continued efforts to remain safe and responsible, during this pandemic. Let’s keep it up and have a safe and healthy spring semester!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on! Sincerely,


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

We continue to closely monitor external and internal factors, in order to ensure that we employ the necessary protocols on our campus to keep our community as safe as possible.

The Community Health Center continues to offer testing, by appointment. A previous update indicated that certain members of the campus community would be required to undergo COVID-19 testing, twice per week. Based on available data and other guidance from health experts, the Baltimore City Health Department, and the Maryland Department of Health, the required campus testing frequency has been amended, again, to twice per month.

Who is required to test twice per month?

All faculty and staff, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus, for any reason, are required to test, twice per month. All students who are living in the residence halls are required to test, twice per month.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses are required to test, twice per month. Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements. Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes are required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

The campus required testing frequency will continue to be based on the campus positivity rate and guidance received from our designated liaison to the Baltimore City Health Department and other health agencies and experts.

Testing Location and Reporting

All testing can be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188).

Students should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at

Upcoming on-campus test dates

March 18
March 19

Schedule your appointment for March 18th or 19th, testing,

(Link removed)

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of March 8, we have one currently active, positive campus case of coronavirus. We continue to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 388,035 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 3.36 percent, and Maryland has seen 7,781 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 40,872 known cumulative positive cases and 805 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

We will not have a Spring Break, this semester. Classes will continue, uninterrupted, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

You all continue to be gracious and patient as we approach one year since the beginning of this pandemic. Let’s keep up the good work and have a safe and healthy Homecoming Week!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on! Sincerely,


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff remains our top priority for this spring semester. We continue to closely monitor external and internal factors, in order to ensure that we employ the necessary protocols on our campus to keep our community as safe as possible.

The Community Health Center will offer twice-weekly testing, this semester.

Who is required to test twice a week?

All employees, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus at least five (5) days per week, will be required to test, twice per week. Employees who report to campus less than five (5) days per week, will be required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason. All students who are living in the residence halls will be required to test, twice per week.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses will be required to test, twice per week. Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements. Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes will be required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

Testing Location and Reporting

All twice-weekly testing should be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188). Students who must test twice per month should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at Employees who must test twice per month should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at


Upcoming on-campus test dates (Twice weekly testing begins February 21)

March 4 March 5

Schedule your appointment for March 4th or 5th, testing, (Link removed)

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of March 1, we have two currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. We continue to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 382,702 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 3.52 percent, and Maryland has seen 7,697 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 40,355 known cumulative positive cases and 797 deaths. The City is in phase 1 restrictions. To view those restrictions, visit:

We will not have a Spring Break, this semester. Classes will continue, uninterrupted, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50% capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

You all continue to be gracious and patient as we approach one year since the beginning of this pandemic. Let’s keep up the good work!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on! Sincerely,


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.


Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff remains at the forefront for this spring semester. We continue to closely monitor external and internal factors, in order to ensure that we employ the necessary protocols on our campus to keep our community as safe as possible. Last week, we announced that we would begin twice-weekly COVID-19 testing, in response to guidance from the University System of Maryland (USM).

The Community Health Center will offer twice-weekly testing, this semester.

Who is required to test twice a week?

All employees, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus at least five (5) days per week, will be required to test, twice per week. Employees who report to campus less than five (5) days per week, will be required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason. All students who are living in the residence halls will be required to test, twice per week.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses will be required to test, twice per week. Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements. Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes will be required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

Testing Location and Reporting

All twice-weekly testing should be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188). Students who must test twice per month should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at Employees who must test twice per month should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at


Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of February 22, we have ZERO currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. We continue to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 370,983 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 4.63 percent, and Maryland has seen 7,374 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 39,404 known cumulative positive cases and 766 deaths. The City announced new Phase 1 restrictions that take effect, today. To view those restrictions, visit:

We will not have a Spring Break, this semester. Classes will continue, uninterrupted, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50% capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

You all continue to be gracious and patient as we approach one year since the beginning of this pandemic. Let’s keep up the good work!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on! Sincerely,


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D.


Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff remains at the forefront for this spring semester. We continue to closely monitor external and internal factors, in order to ensure that we employ the necessary protocols on our campus to keep our community as safe as possible. Last week, we announced that we would begin twice-weekly COVID-19 testing, in response to guidance from the University System of Maryland (USM).

As a reminder, starting February 21, our Community Health Center will offer twice-weekly testing.

Who is required to test twice a week?

All employees, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus at least five (5) days per week, will be required to test, twice per week. Employees who report to campus less than five (5) days per week, will be required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason. All students who are living in the residence halls will be required to test, twice per week.

All students who report to campus for in-person courses will be required to test, twice per week. Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements. Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes will be required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

Testing Location and Reporting

All twice-weekly testing should be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188). Students who must test twice per month should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center at

Employees who must test twice per month should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at


Upcoming on-campus test dates (Twice weekly testing begins February 21) February 18 February 19 Schedule your appointment for February 18 or 19, testing, here.

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of February 15, we have one currently active, positive campus case of coronavirus. We have taken all necessary precautions related to this positive case. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 370,983 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 4.63 percent, and Maryland has seen 7,374 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 39,404 known cumulative positive cases and 766 deaths. The City is currently in Phase 1, where indoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 10 persons. Outdoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 25 persons, and sports gatherings at facilities controlled by Recreation & Parks are prohibited. Food service establishments (including bars and restaurants) are closed to indoor and outdoor dining but carry out and drive through service may continue. All people age 2 or older are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces. We will continue to follow all state and local guidelines, as they are announced and updated.

This semester we will not have a Spring Break. Classes will continue, uninterrupted, through the semester, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

Course instruction for the spring semester will be similar to the fall 2020 semester, as the majority of courses will be offered virtually.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50% capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

You have all been gracious and patient as we approach one year since the beginning of this pandemic. Let’s keep up the good work!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on! Sincerely,


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University

Greetings Coppin Community:

Based on all of the available evidence provided by various local, state, and federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD), and other health agencies, I am confident in supporting the COVID-19 vaccination efforts. I believe that taking the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from contracting the disease. 

That’s why, as soon as I am eligible to receive the vaccination, I will be in line to take advantage of the opportunity to protect myself and prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Under guidance received from the University System of Maryland (USM), certain CSU employees are now eligible for the state’s priority COVID-19 vaccine distribution under Phase 1C. While frontline workers remain a priority, newly eligible CSU employees are those who are regularly on campus in the following positions and departments:

Dining Halls 
Residence Life
Facilities Maintenance 
Health Centers 
Public Safety 
Campus Transportation 
Employees providing in-person education or student support services
Employees with potential contact with students living in residence halls
Employees who require on-campus housing 

In addition, all Marylanders age 75 and older, all healthcare workers, and other groups previously identified under Maryland’s vaccination plan, are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We encourage all CSU employees and students to register for a vaccine according to their earliest eligibility status.

Our Helene Fuld School of Nursing (HFSON), in partnership with Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD), is providing free COVID-19 vaccinations for those CSU faculty, staff, and students who meet the criteria. The vaccines will be administered on the campus of Baltimore City Community College (BCCC). 

The HFSON team is working, collaboratively, with the BCHD to notify eligible members of the CSU community. 

Please, keep in mind that delivery of vaccines are unpredictable at this time, and vaccine supply has not kept up with demand—so it will likely take patience and persistence before you are able to make your appointment and receive the vaccine. However, knowing whether you qualify, now, is the first step.

Information About the Vaccine
To ensure that the Coppin community remains fully informed about vaccination options, a supplemental CSU COVID-19 Vaccine information webpage has been developed and can be accessed at 

Additional information about the COVID-19 vaccine an also be found at

CSU’s campus liaisons to the BCHD are Dr. Danita Tolson, CSU BSN chairperson, who can be reached at, and Dean Tracey L. Murray, who can be reached at

We will continue to provide regular updates regarding the COVID-19 virus and vaccine, on the CSU website. Thank you for your persistence in showing the world the resilience of the Coppin State University community. 

I look forward to seeing all of you, in person, soon. Let’s get to this finish line, together.

Take care. Mask up. And remain Coppin Strong!

Greetings Coppin Community:

Coppin State University continues to be committed to protecting our employees and students, as well as the communities in which we all reside. As the next step in helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the University System of Maryland (USM) has asked all of its institutions to significantly increase the frequency of testing, during the spring semester.

More frequent testing is an important tool in our toolbox to help us get back to normal. Testing can help people determine if they are infected—whether they have symptoms or not—and it helps us to better prevent the spread of infection to others. 

As a result, CSU has developed a new testing plan. Starting February 21, our Community Health Center will offer twice weekly testing. 

Who is required to test twice a week?

All employees, including third-party vendor staff, who report to campus at least five (5) days per week, will be required to submit to testing twice per week. 

Employees who report to campus less than five (5) days per week, will be required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.

All students who are living in the residence halls will be required to submit to testing twice per week.

Athletic testing will continue according to applicable NCAA requirements.

Students who do not live on campus and those who are not athletes will be required to continue submitting test results, twice per month, in order to report to campus, for any reason.


Testing Location and Reporting

All twice-weekly testing should be completed through the CSU Community Health Center. Appointments will continue to be available through online booking or by contacting the health center, directly, at (410-951-4188).

Students who must test twice per month should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to the CSU Community Health Center  at

Employees who must test twice per month should continue to submit any off-campus testing results to Human Resources at


Upcoming on-campus test dates (Twice weekly testing begins February 21) 
February 18
February 19 

Schedule your appointment for February 18 or 19, testing. 

Questions about Coppin’s COVID-19 testing and any other related inquiries should be submitted to

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 364,553 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 5.67 percent, and Maryland has seen 7,193 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 38,808 known cumulative positive cases and 749 deaths. The City is currently in Phase 1, where indoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 10 persons. Outdoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 25 persons, and sports gatherings at facilities controlled by Recreation & Parks are prohibited. Food service establishments (including bars and restaurants) are closed to indoor and outdoor dining but carry out and drive through service may continue. All people age 2 or older are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces. We will continue to follow all state and local guidelines, as they are announced and updated.  

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible. It is my hope that an increase in vaccine availability will usher in a post-pandemic world, sooner than later. Detailed information about vaccine availability—and what that means for the Coppin Community—will be released, tomorrow.

You have all been gracious and patient as we approach one year since the beginning of this pandemic. Now is not the time to slow down. We will continue doing our part so that, when the time comes, we can all be healthy and ready to soar the way Eagles do. Let’s keep up the good work!  

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on! 


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff remains at the forefront for this spring semester. We continue to closely monitor external and internal factors, in order to ensure that we employ the necessary protocols on our campus to keep our community as safe as possible. Your continued support these efforts are a major reason for our success in keeping our case numbers relatively low, particularly in comparison to many peer institutions.

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of February 1, we have two currently active, positive campus case of coronavirus. We have taken all necessary precautions related to these positive cases. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 355,636 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 5.61 percent, and Maryland has seen 6,978 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 37,931 known cumulative positive cases and 733 deaths. The City is currently in Phase 1, where indoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 10 persons. Outdoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 25 persons, and sports gatherings at facilities controlled by Recreation & Parks are prohibited. Food service establishments (including bars and restaurants) are closed to indoor and outdoor dining, but carry out and drive through service may continue. All people age 2 or older are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces. We will continue to follow all state and local guidelines, as they are announced and updated.

As a reminder, we will not have a Spring Break. Classes will continue beginning today, uninterrupted, through the semester, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

Course instruction for the spring semester will be similar to the fall 2020 semester, as the majority of courses will be offered virtually.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50% capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.


Testing frequency will increase, this semester, and the Community Health Center will offer continue to offer testing. Currently, members of our campus community who must report to the campus are required to submit at least two tests, per month, with negative test results. This is an increase from the fall semester requirement of testing once per month.

Upcoming on-campus test dates

February 4
February 5

Schedule your appointment here

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

You have all been gracious and patient as we approach one year since the beginning of this pandemic. Let’s keep up the good work!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University

Dear Coppin Community:

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff remains at the forefront of our preparations for this spring semester. We continue to closely monitor external and internal factors, in order to ensure that we employ the necessary protocols on our campus to keep our community as safe as possible. Your continued support these efforts are a major reason for our success in keeping our case numbers relatively low, particularly in comparison to many peer institutions.

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of January 25, we have one currently active, positive campus case of coronavirus. We have taken all necessary precautions related to this positive case. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 330,186 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 7.8 percent, and Maryland has seen 6,476 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 35,936 known cumulative positive cases and 705 deaths. The City is currently in Phase 1, where indoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 10 persons. Outdoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 25 persons, and sports gatherings at facilities controlled by Recreation & Parks are prohibited. Food service establishments (including bars and restaurants) are closed to indoor and outdoor dining, but carry out and drive through service may continue. All people age 2 or older are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces. We will continue to follow all state and local guidelines, as they are announced and updated.

As a reminder, we will not have a Spring Break. Classes will continue beginning today, uninterrupted, through the semester, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

Course instruction for the spring semester will be similar to the fall 2020 semester, as the majority of courses will be offered virtually. Click here to register for spring 2021. Students can reach out to their academic advisor or the Academic Advising Center at 410-951-3500, for further assistance.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50% capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

Testing frequency will increase, this semester, and the Community Health Center will offer continue to offer testing. Currently, members of our campus community who must report to the campus are required to submit at least two tests, per month, with negative test results. This is an increase from the fall semester requirement of testing once per month.

Upcoming on-campus test dates

January 28 and 29 (residential students only)

February 4
February 5

The safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

You have all been gracious and patient as we approach one year since the beginning of this pandemic. Let’s keep up the good work!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff remains at the forefront of our preparations for the spring semester. As coronavirus cases continue to rise, we are closely monitoring external and internal factors, in order to assess, implement, and adjust practices and operations necessary to keep our community as safe as possible. Your continued flexibility and willingness to support these efforts are a major reason for our success in keeping our case numbers relatively low, particularly in comparison to many peer institutions. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 330,186 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 7.8 percent, and Maryland has seen 6,476 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 35,936 known cumulative positive cases and 705 deaths. The City is currently in Phase 1, where indoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 10 persons. Outdoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 25 persons, and sports gatherings at facilities controlled by Recreation & Parks are prohibited. Food service establishments (including bars and restaurants) are closed to indoor and outdoor dining, but carry out and drive through service may continue. All people age 2 or older are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces.

We will continue to follow all state and local guidelines, as they are announced and updated.

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of January 19, we have two currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. We have taken all necessary precautions related to these positive cases.

We look forward to the opportunity to return to life as we knew it, before this pandemic. Current circumstances require us to make necessary adjustments to the upcoming Spring semester in order to keep our campus community safe. As a reminder, we will begin the spring semester, as scheduled, on January 25, 2021. We will not have a Spring Break. Classes will continue, uninterrupted, through the semester, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

Course instruction for the spring semester will be similar to the fall 2020 semester, as the majority of courses will be offered virtually. Click here to register for spring 2021. Students can reach out to their academic advisor or the Academic Advising Center at 410-951-3500, for further assistance. 

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50% capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

Testing frequency will increase, in the spring semester, and the Community Health Center will offer testing on at least four dates, per month. Members of our campus community who must report to the campus will be required to submit at least two tests, per month, with negative test results. This is an increase from the fall semester requirement of testing once per month.

Upcoming on-campus test dates

January 21 and 22

January 28 and 29 (residential students only)

(Link removed)

I realize that these changes may come as an unwelcome surprise, as many students look forward to the opportunity to have a Spring Break, but the safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

You have all been gracious and patient as we have weathered this pandemic as one campus community. I applaud you on your efforts. Let’s keep up the good work!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University


A troubling new COVID-19 surge is upon us, likely due to family holiday gatherings. The safety of our students, faculty, and staff remain at the forefront of our preparations for the spring semester. As coronavirus cases continue to rise in our region and nationwide, national health experts anticipate further rapid rate increase, in the coming weeks. We continue to closely monitor external and internal factors, in order to assess, implement, and adjust practices and operations necessary to keep our community as safe as possible. Your flexibility and willingness to support these efforts are a major reason for our success in keeping our case numbers relatively low, particularly in comparison to many peer institutions. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 309,686 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 8.56 percent, and Maryland has seen 6,129 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 34,117 known cumulative positive cases and 673 deaths. The City is currently in Phase 1, where indoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 10 persons. Outdoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 25 persons, and sports gatherings at facilities controlled by Recreation & Parks are prohibited. Food service establishments (including bars and restaurants) are closed to indoor and outdoor dining, but carry out and drive through service may continue. All people age 2 or older are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces.

We will continue to follow all state and local guidelines, as they are announced and updated.

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of January 11, we have two currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. We have taken all necessary precautions related to these positive cases.

We look forward to the opportunity to return to life as we knew it, before this pandemic. Current circumstances require us to make necessary adjustments to the upcoming Spring semester in order to keep our campus community safe. As a reminder, we will begin the spring semester, as scheduled, on January 25, 2021. We will not have a Spring Break. Classes will continue, uninterrupted, through the semester, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.


Course instruction for the spring semester will be similar to the fall 2020 semester, as the majority of courses will be offered virtually. Click here to register for spring 2021. Students can reach out to their academic advisor or the Academic Advising Center at 410-951-3500, for further assistance.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50% capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

Testing frequency will increase, in the spring semester, and the Community Health Center will offer testing on at least four dates, per month. Members of our campus community who must report to the campus will be required to submit to at least two tests, per month, with negative test results. This is an increase from our current requirement of testing once per month.

Upcoming on-campus test dates

January 21 and 22

January 28 and 29 (residential students only)

Schedule your appointment here

I realize that these changes may come as an unwelcome surprise, as many students look forward to the opportunity to have a Spring Break, but the safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

You have all been gracious and patient as we have weathered this pandemic as one campus community. I applaud you on your efforts. Let’s keep up the good work!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University


Happy New Year! As the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic continue, the safety of our students, faculty, and staff remain at the forefront of our preparations for the spring semester. As coronavirus cases continue to rise in our region and nationwide, national health experts anticipate further rapid rate increase, in the coming weeks. We continue to closely monitor external and internal factors, in order to assess, implement, and adjust practices and operations necessary to keep our community as safe as possible. Your flexibility and willingness to support these efforts are a major reason for our success in keeping our case numbers relatively low, particularly in comparison to many peer institutions. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 289,758 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 9.19 percent, and Maryland has seen 5,913 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 32,495 known cumulative positive cases and 649 deaths. The City is currently in Phase 1, where indoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 10 persons. Outdoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 25 persons, and sports gatherings at facilities controlled by Recreation & Parks are prohibited. Food service establishments (including bars and restaurants) are closed to indoor and outdoor dining, but carry out and drive through service may continue. All people age 2 or older are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces.

We will continue to follow all state and local guidelines, as they are announced and updated.

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of January 3, we have one currently active, positive campus case of coronavirus. We have taken all necessary precautions related to this positive case.

We look forward to the opportunity to return to life as we knew it, before this pandemic. Current circumstances require us to make necessary adjustments to the upcoming Spring semester in order to keep our campus community safe. As a reminder, we will begin the spring semester, as scheduled, on January 25, 2021. We will not have a Spring Break. Classes will continue, uninterrupted, through the semester, and the last day of classes will be May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

Course instruction for the spring semester will be similar to the fall 2020 semester, as the majority of courses will be offered virtually. Click here to register for spring 2021. Students can reach out to their academic advisor or the Academic Advising Center at 410-951-3500, for further assistance.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50% capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

Testing frequency will increase, in the spring semester, and the Community Health Center will offer testing on at least four dates, per month. Members of our campus community who must report to the campus will be required to submit to at least two tests, per month, with negative test results. This is an increase from our current requirement of testing once per month.

Upcoming on-campus test dates

January 7 and 8

January 21 and 22

January 28 and 29 (residential students only)

Schedule your appointment here

I realize that these changes may come as an unwelcome surprise, as many students look forward to the opportunity to have a Spring Break, but the safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

You have all been gracious and patient as we have weathered this pandemic as one campus community. I applaud you on your efforts. Let’s keep up the good work!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University

The holiday season is upon us and the COVID-19 pandemic continues rise in our region and nationwide. The university is closely monitoring external and internal factors, in order to assess, implement and adjust practices and operations to keep our community as safe as possible. Your flexibility and willingness to support these efforts are a major reason for our success in keeping our case numbers relatively low, particularly in comparison to many peer institutions. Thank you for your continued vigilance and caution.

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 253,961 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 7.72 percent, and Maryland has seen 5,302 deaths, related to COVID-19. In the City of Baltimore, there were 29,328 known cumulative positive cases and 603 deaths. The City is currently in Phase 1, where indoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 10 persons. Outdoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 25 persons, and sports gatherings at facilities controlled by Recreation & Parks are prohibited. Food service establishments (including bars and restaurants) are closed to indoor and outdoor dining, but carry out and drive through service may continue. All people age 2 or older are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces.

We will continue to follow all state and local guidelines, as they are announced and updated.

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of December 21, we have 1 currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. We have taken all necessary precautions related to these positive cases.

We look forward to the opportunity to return to life as we knew it, before this pandemic. Current circumstances require us to make necessary adjustments to the upcoming Spring semester in order to keep our campus community safe. We will begin the spring semester, as scheduled, on January 25, 2021. We will not have a traditional Spring Break. Classes will continue through March 17, then the University will be closed for two days, on March 18 and March 19, with classes resuming on March 22. The last day of classes for the semester will be May 6, and final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar, here.

Course instruction for the spring semester will be similar to the fall 2020 semester, as the majority of courses will be offered virtually. Click here to register for spring 2021. Students can reach out to their academic advisor or the Academic Advising Center at 410-951-3500, for further assistance.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50% capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at 410-951-6766, with any questions.

Testing frequency will increase, in the spring semester, and the Community Health Center will offer testing on at least four dates, per month. Members of our campus community who must report to the campus will be required to submit to at least two tests, per month, with negative test results. This is an increase from our current requirement of testing once per month.

Upcoming on-campus test dates 
January 7 and 8
January 21 and 22
January 28 and 29 (residential students only)
February 4 and 5
February 18 and 19
March 4 and 5
March 25 and 26
April 8 and 9
April 22 and 23
May 6 and 7
May 20 and 21
June 3 and 4

I realize that these changes may come as an unwelcome surprise, as many students look forward to the opportunity to have a full Spring Break, but the safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible.

Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we continue through this pandemic as a united campus community. Let’s keep up the good work! As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!


Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. 
Coppin State University

Dear Eagle Nation:

The past couple of weeks have delivered a silver lining in the COVID-19 clouds, as we learn more about the safety and availability of effective vaccines, some of which have already been administered to their first U.S. patients. I have directed some Coppin administrators and faculty to work on providing vaccine information that is most relevant to our community, and we will update you with the details necessary to make the most informed and healthy choice. 

As of today, the Maryland Department of Health reports 236,961 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The statewide positivity rate is now 7.46 percent, and Maryland has seen 4,978 deaths, related to COVID-19.  In the City of Baltimore, there were 28,270 known positive cases and 607 deaths. The city is currently in Phase 1, where indoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 10 persons. Outdoor gatherings at public and private facilities are limited to no more than 25 persons, and sports gatherings at facilities controlled by Recreation & Parks are prohibited. Food service establishments (including bars and restaurants) are closed to indoor and outdoor dining, but carry out and drive through service may continue. All people age 2 or older are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces.

We will continue to follow all state and local guidelines, as they are announced and updated.

Our campus continues to see positive cases at a rate that is much lower than the state and the local average. As of December 14, we have 5 currently active, positive campus cases of coronavirus. The campus positivity rate is 1.71 percent. We have taken all necessary precautions related to these positive cases. 

We look forward to the opportunity to return to life as we knew it before this pandemic.  Current circumstances require us to make necessary adjustments to the upcoming Spring semester in order to keep our campus community safe. We will begin the spring semester, as scheduled, on January 25, 2021. We will not have a Spring Break. We will end the spring semester, earlier, with the last day of classes on May 6. Final exams will be given May 7-13. We are planning to hold the 2021 Commencement ceremony on May 14. You can view the entire Spring 2021 Academic Calendar.

Course instruction for the spring semester will be similar to the fall 2020 semester, as the majority of courses will be offered virtually. Click here to register for spring 2021. Students can reach out to their academic advisor or the Academic Advising Center at 410-951-3500, for further assistance.

Students who are living in the residence halls, which will remain capped at 50 percent capacity, will be able to remain in the residence halls, through the end of the semester. Students can reach out to the Office of Residence Life, at (410) 951-6766, with any questions.

Testing frequency will increase, in the spring semester, and the Community Health Center will offer testing on at least four dates, per month. Members of our campus community who must report to the campus will be required to submit to at least two COVID-19 PCR tests, per month, with negative test results. This is an increase from our current requirement of testing once per month.

Upcoming on-campus test dates
January 7 and 8, 21 and 22
January 28 and 29 (residential students only)
February 4 and 5, 18 and 19 
March 4 and 5, 25 and 26
April 8 and 9, 22 and 23
May 6 and 7, 20 and 21
June 3 and 4

I realize that these changes may come as an unwelcome surprise, as many students look forward to the opportunity to have a Spring Break, but the safety of our campus remains my top priority, and these changes have been put into place in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as much as possible. 

You have all been gracious and patient as we have weathered this pandemic as one campus community. I applaud you on your efforts. Let’s keep up the good work!

As always--Remain Coppin Strong! Masks on!

University Highlights

Coppin State University students, faculty, and staff continue to make differences in an array of areas, and I am pleased to share some campus highlights and things to look forward to:

CSU Awarded $99,000 Grant to Help Develop Culturally Competent Nursing Tutor and Evaluation Software

Coppin State University (CSU) been awarded a one-year $99,000 research grant to help develop innovative culturally competent artificial intelligence software to help tutor and evaluate student nurses.  

Dr. Joan Tilghman, CSU’s Helene Fuld School of Nursing associate dean, has been selected  principal investigator in a partnership with Juxtopia, LLC (Dr. Jayfus Doswell) to receive the Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) award grant. Titled: “Deep Learning Pedagogy Algorithm Nurse E-Trainer,” the purpose of the research is to develop a novel artificial intelligent (AI) software product, Juxtopia®Intelligent Nursing Instructor (JiNi), to autonomously e-tutor and e-evaluate student nurses on clinical skills, remote from traditional nurse simulation labs, for easily accessible independent practice.  The research team will specifically investigate “codifying” culturally competent nurse instruction andragogy into Artificial Intelligence algorithms to learn and deliver innovative e- instruction to nursing students for the acquisition and development of skill competencies while continually practicing psychomotor clinical skills taught by JiNi.

The MIPS program provides funding, with a sliding-scale match from participating companies, for research projects at Maryland's public universities that help those companies develop new products.

Congratulations Dr. Joan Tilghman, Helene Fuld School of Nursing and the College of Health Professions.

CSU Receives Grant to Study Causes of Gun Violence Among Young Black Males


Coppin State University (CSU) has received a two-year, $100,290 grant, to study the attitudes and reasons that young African-American males in urban areas pick up and carry guns.

Lead investigator for CSU, Dr. Johnny Rice, II, assistant professor of criminal justice, and a selected team of CSU students will investigate the contemporary causes of gun violence, specifically exploring why Black males ages 15-24 in marginalized urban communities possess and carry guns. The team will also explore factors that influence the impulse to carry a gun and what serve as triggers for gun use, based on the perceptions of African-American men interviewed, who live in affected communities in Baltimore city.  

The grant was awarded to CSU by the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), who received a $1 million grant by the National Collaborative for Gun Violence Research. To implement the study, TMCF brought together leading HBCU Criminal Justice researchers in Houston, TX, Wilmington, DE and Baltimore, MD – leveraging the experience, knowledge and status of HBCUs in the African-American community to conduct research on attitudes toward guns ownership, possession, and usage by urban youth; the dynamics of social transmission of gun ownership and possession, carrying a gun, using a gun to threaten someone; and escalation to gun violence. TMCF also would include in this research family, community, social and environmental factors that promote or support gun ownership and gun usage in urban African-American communities. The scope of this research, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, will build a data-driven view into the mindset that underlies and perpetuates gun violence among African American youth.

Thank you, Dr. Rice, the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, and the Department of Criminal Justice.

Virtual Open House

Coppin State University Virtual Open House entitled: "The Eagles NESTflix & Chill," is currently showing online.

Viewer can take a journey into "The Eagle's NEST," learning about admissions, academics, student and campus life, athletics and more. Live sessions with faculty, staff and students were recorded earlier this month and can be viewed as well.

To experience our virtual open house, please visit


View the Coppin State University Facilities Management Department's HVAC Filter Maintenance Program in response to COVID-19.

Food service in the Fall 2020 semester will be on a takeout basis only. There will be no available seating in the Talon Center dining hall.

Talon Center Food Service Hours of Operation: August 14, 2020 through December 22, 2020

Monday thru Friday:

  • Breakfast – 7:00 a.m. thru 10:00 a.m.
  • Lunch – 11:30 a.m. thru 2:00 p.m.
  • Dinner – 4:30 p.m. thru 9:00 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday:

  • Brunch – 10:00 a.m. thru 2:00 p.m.
  • Dinner – 4:30 p.m. thru 9:00 p.m.

Out of an abundance of caution for the safety and well-being our students and staff and to help reduce wait times in the food service lines, Coppin State has developed the following general guidelines for residential students.

  • Daley Hall – Breakfast 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m., Lunch 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., Dinner 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Brunch 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Dedmond Hall – Breakfast 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., Lunch 12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m., Dinner 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Brunch 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Please note, students who have classes that conflict with these guidelines, are able to visit the dining hall outside of the times listed above.

Dining Options:

  1. There will be 3 hot food lines serving the same menu options to help reduce the wait time for students.
  2. The following stations will also be available, pizza, grill, dessert, and beverage.
  3. All food will be served by food service employees.  No self service will be available.

Other On-Campus Dining Options:

During the Fall 2020 semester the Talon Café, Tawes Diner and Einstein Bagels will remain closed.  Employees of the university may utilize the dining hall food service for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Talon Dining Hall Food Service Procedures:

  1. The total number of students permitted in the dining hall area at one time will be limited to a maximum of students permitted based on university and state guidelines.  A member of Thompson Hospitality will be at the entrance to the hall to ensure adherence to this limit.  Masks are required for entry.
  2. Students will need to have their ID scanned in order to enter the dining hall service lines. 
  3. Faculty and Staff not on a meal plan may use a credit card for payment.  The costs are; Breakfast $5.00, Lunch $6.00, Dinner $7.50. 
  4. Stanchions will be utilized to direct the flow of student traffic into and out of the serving area along with floor signage for social distancing and foot traffic flow.
  5. A food service employee will be in the area to help direct students to the appropriate station and assist with social distancing and traffic flow.
  6. A food service employee will direct students as they exit the dining hall area and help to maintain the student headcount within the area.
  7. Meals will be delivered to the residence halls for any students who are required to quarantine themselves.

Health and Safety Procedures:

  1. All staff will be temperature checked upon their arrival to campus.
  2. All staff will wear appropriate PPE.
  3. Sanitizing of the dining hall area will occur every 30 minutes.
  4. Hand sanitizer will be available in the dining hall.

Fall 2020 Semester Bookstore Hours of Operation Effective Monday August 24, 2020:

  • Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 10:00 a.m. thru 4:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday 10:00 a.m. thru 5:00 p.m.
  • Friday 10:00 a.m. thru 3:00 p.m.

Fall 2020 Operational and Safety Procedures:

Management of Store Traffic

  • Our adjusted store capacity allows up to 17 people. This maximum capacity includes customers and bookstore employees.
  • A team member will be at the door monitoring the number of customers in the store, so as not to exceed the maximum capacity.
  • Customers will be required to wear a mask in order to enter the bookstore.

Social Distancing Practices at Registers

  • Plexiglass shields are being installed at all registers.
  • Stanchions will be set up in the store with 6ft markers on the ground to promote social distancing. All registers will have a clear protective shield to minimize exposure of customers and employees.

Additional Customer Service Measures

  • A separate register will be in the back of the store at the customer service desk to further assist students with returns and textbook purchases.

Online Order Pickup

  • Pickup of online orders will be handled at the Customer Service desk only. Students must present their Eagle Card in order to pick up their online orders.
  • Stanchions will identify guidance for line direction and social distancing.

Cleaning & Sanitizing Processes

  • Hand sanitizer will be available at all registers. All registers and merchandise shelves will be sanitized by a team member every 1-2 hours.
  • The store will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected every day after closing.

Please direct all bookstore-related questions to Leslie Martinez, Store Manager (410-951-1225;