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Minor in Rehabilitation Services

Degree Type



Learn the foundational skills to help people out of the worst of what they’re going through and find fulfillment in the process.


Why minor in rehabilitation services?

Where some fields, like psychology, have a theoretical focus, skills learned while studying rehabilitation services can pay off immediately after graduation. This field often focuses on caring for vulnerable populations, including but not limited to recently paroled individuals, people with disabilities or impairments, or persons in substance abuse recovery. Working with these populations can be a valuable and fulfilling experience where you can build empathy, develop communication skills, and even get hands on case management experience.

You can also major in Rehabilitation Services.

Minor Requirements

To graduate with a minor in Rehabilitation Services, students must select 21 credit from REHB course offerings, and complete minor each course with a grade of “C’ or better:

REHB 2013Introduction to Rehabilitation
REHB 3013Health and Medical Information
REHB 302 3Sociology Theory
REHB 3033Case Recording and Management
REHB 3053Vocational Development and Employment
REHB 3113Independent Living
REHB 4013Field Work in Rehabilitation I
REHB 4023Field Work in Rehabilitation II
REHB 4033Rehabilitation of the Psychologically Impaired
REHB 4043Rehabilitation Services for Addicted Persons
REHB 4053Multicultural Approaches in Rehabilitation
REHB 4063Seminar in Rehabilitation
REHB 4113Special Topics in Rehabilitation
Students studying

750+ Course Options

The Coppin State University Academic Catalog has a wide variety of skill-building courses designed to inspire and prepare you to be in-demand professionals and transformational leaders.

Related Rehabilitation Programs

Rehabilitation Services


Clinical Mental Health Counseling Rehabilitation


Forensic Rehabilitation


Rehabilitation Services is in the Department of Psychology, Counseling, and Behavioral Health in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences.